POET Technologies Inc.

For me there is one factor very unerving regarding the share price being so low. I have encouraged my friends to buy this share, some of whom are now somewhat down on their expecatations based on my enthusiasm for this share. The reason for my enthusiasm, which I think was gererally shared on this forum, was that I thought that this was the moment, this was our time - I am slowly coming down to earth.

I have experienced many years of being down on this share but I thought the corner had been turned. Yes in many ways it has, but progress it is not going to happen in the timeframe that suits our expectations on this board, its going to happen in a timeframe that is sensible as judged by POET management iand n a way that is carefully aligned to the interests and needs of others, our potential partners, whose actions now will frimly control the pace and progress of this Project.

The truth is that we all got ahead of ourselves with our overheated expectations, particualrly over the EC event, imagining that the world was going to stand up and start applauding and buying POET effectively ligting the blue touch paper under the POET rocket. Yes someone is holding the taper but the fuse has not been lit - yet!

There is not a way to put this politely, but focusing minute by minute on SP is going to drive some of you mad if you allow it too. We have to ;lift our eyes up to the mountain from whence cometh our salvation'. Short termism on this board is getting to unhealthy levels and we all need an injection of reality and pragmatism and to look to what we know is in the future.

We are at a critical stage in this project where the skill of our Mangement and BOD is paramount. THIS IS GOING TO TAKE LONGER THAN WE THINK. We cannot infuance when announcemnts are made. Management have clearly pointed out that goals and MS will be set by partners. Take faith in PC's comment that we must watch for news of partners, I think that this was his hint that nothing is to be announced until the complex and difficult negaociations with our potential partners is completed. It is entirely logical that this part of the POET PROJECT will take time. FAR MORE TIME THAN WE THINK and will be surrounded by silence.

PSALM 37 V7-9

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.


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