POET Technologies Inc.


I find this statement by Chris Chu interesting.

'Microcaps are the riskiest investment an investor can put money into. Just know that when you are buying a Company many Wall Streeter's buy the Jockey and not the Horse. That's all for now! Much of how you invest should be predicated on whether or not you believe Management can take POET from R&D to market and then afterwards how they will orchestrate maximizing the Company's valuation.'

Can management 'be the one'?

It was pretty rude of of someone to label PCat the EC as looking like a gangster, personal remarks like that are unwarrented and should not belong here.

My impression of Peter, if I may be so familiar, is more that I would rather have him on my side in fight, he is tough and determined, I've met a few SAS guys like him - they don't boast, they're quite and determined, they get the job done. We all have a concern about 'low ball' offers but much that has been done by Peter in the last months appears to me to be directed at staving off this possibility. There has been a clear move from the concept of a moneterisation event to we are going to make this company a market leader in the IC world. As he said he has handpicked a small team to do the job.

In addition Dr Taylor's statement there is only POET is as about as determined as you get. He says that with the conviction of years of detailed development coming to fruition. When asked would he be working for Intel in a years time, he said glancing at Peter, I think we have more integrity than that. HAD THERE ALREADY BEEN AN ATTEMPT?

I see this management as 'the one'.

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