POET Technologies Inc.

in response to oldbarter's message

Hey, Barter, you raise some decent (if not indelicate) points that ought to be considered. But the sell off yesterday did not have much, if anything to do with that presentation. Part of the planning of this event made it a "sell the event" sort of situation; if I'm not convinced of that, I certainly do think it more likely than not.

Now today's sell off may just have something to do with the folks right here. I think many may be spooked by some of the comments here, and others by the presentation itself. Again, based on Rob's figures of a year ago, there are many, many shares represented here, certainly enough to move the market. If a material percentage of people have decided to sell, than the sell off today may be attributed to this board!! And we have seen how quickly many on this board shift positions dramatically (think, Andrea's association idea).

Further, I'm not unconvinced that a number of people on this board were at least partially responsible for the run-up to the event, as I'm sure they bought along the way, figuring the stock would hit this or that before EC and then advance further afterwards. I would love to know how many shares were purchased by those who post or read this board since the EC event was first announced.

If the good news comes, all will be fine. It's a matter of time till we find that out.

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