POET Technologies Inc.

We are frequently guilty on this board of building our expectations too high, mia culpa., but then that's part of the fun of posting here, allowing one's imaginations to run away and soar sometimes.

The fact is that what we want is not always what we get. and some posts since the event yesterday indicate that some here have been left feeling rather flat because things did not pan out quite as expected yesterday. We need to reflect where we are and what was achieved.

The truth is that yesterday was a consolidation of facts about POET and that POET is now a reality and not just a concept. Yesterday showed that the two principles of this company Geoffrey Taylor and Peter Copetti have a total commitment and confidence about taking POET to the point of being the industry leader. They have the tools to do so and the team; what remains is convinceing the industry that POET is the one.

Reading between the lines of yesterdays event we can clearly discern that a group of Project Development Associates (PDAs) are being assembled, I emphasise not will be, are being assembled. Soon will come a series of announcements that will move the project forward from the development stage into the production phase of POET. The SP will then move forward as was confidently statated yesterday.

We must not allow our expectations to overule the due process of this project, Small steps must be taken one at a time to get to the objective. Yesterday was such a step.

Pre Peligrinao 1 I invested in an idea ,I am now invested in a fully functioning project to make that idea the industry standard. Apart from the benefits of growth in the value of my investment, my other aim is to buy one of the first POET powered PCs. I hope not too long a wait as the silcon in my current PC is wearing thin and shows.

POET is the one.


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