POET Technologies Inc.

I've been invested in this company for exactly 3 years. I bought probably when I shouldn't have, and in some cases, leveraged to buy. I'm glad I did, and have no regrets.

But I'm sick and tired of all these new posters coming in here and turning this into a cheerleading convention. As part owners of this company, we all have a right to ask critical questions. To immediately get slammed for being "embarassing" and "ridiculous" because we aren't blindly cheering today's presentation is totally obtuse, by (I'm guessing) people who have only joined this party in the last few weeks.

The same people who've been coming here recently trumpeting "trading halts" and "big news" and have been fluffing up the EC event as a major watershed moment in the company, are now defending an event that left me, and many others feeling very flat. And the concern I have, is that somehow, a company that has been so diligent about STRATEGY failed to understand and satisfy the context of this event.

This was not an event to impress the scientific community or the chief scientists at potential partnership companies. This was about introducing, in simple terms, a game changing technology to the uninitiated. Until the Q & A session after, you never got a true sense of the significance of POET. I would never expect Dr Taylor to be some kind of polished salesman. I would expect someone within the PR department, help the doctor prepare a presentation that provides a bigger picture, some simple analogies, and THEN perhaps the nitty gritty technical stuff. In otherwords, assume no knowlege, and assume no interest. (The keys to any successful speech)

I work in media and marketing. I asked a friend who specializes in PR presentations to watch the video after without any knowledge of what POET was. She told me...she was totally lost, felt completely disengaged and had no idea of what this company does. I can't help but think there were a few people in the room who felt the same way.

Yet, here I am on Stockhouse light, reading all these newbies talking about how great today was. The presentation fell well short of hitting it out of the park, and I think us actual longs in this party, have every right to say so without being chastised by the throng of Johnny-post-latelys.

I'm very curious to hear how our big 3 feel about today, beyond the private conversations they had with the principles. It's done now. It was never going to send the SP soaring the way a big milestone or revenue announcement might, but I can't help but think the drop to $1.87 might have been avoided had the information been more friendly to the person it was intended for...the potential high end investor.

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