POET Technologies Inc.

in response to Aves99's message

Aves..here one of my favorite post from the past that explains essentially what you are saying

Many years ago I owned 45,000 shares of a small company. The stock price was taken down to a point that it broke my spirit but decided to hold tight. Within 2 more months the stock had dropped 2/3 more and I sold out of total frustraton and non confidence. I just could not stand to see my losses grow anymore. I felt I would lose it all. BIG MISTAKE. I bought that company for $2.40 and sold it for around 40 cents....can't remember the exact amount that I sold but it was around that price. Many months later that stock ran up and doubled from what I paid. That company was Kinross Gold Corp. A lesson learned for me. That is when I found out about how the games are played here on the Venture and the TSX. There is no worth here unless someone loses money...the best way to make someone lose money.....take er down and then take er down some more and wait and then dump it some more to break any remaining spirit...then wait and then take er up quickly and watch all who sold, buy back in, while those who bought low and forced the price down sell you their stock for mega bucks. Around and around we go. Stick to why you invested in the first place and things will work out....been there too many times.......just be patient. This company is unique and soon, I believe the price will increase quickly and exponentially. Great companies were not built overnight....patience. This is one to add to now at this price.....crazy prices all over the place right now. I love it. I bought Yamana for $1 a long time ago and also got conned....I mean scared.... out of my shares...same dealio...no more!

Have a good day

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