POET Technologies Inc.

from the share price standpoint. That should be obvious based only the number of posts in that time that are strictly or substantially about the share price.

The following are my thoughts and guesses:

I think management is doing a fine job in trying to keep their warrant investors happy (the 3,000,000 warrants converted to stock), and I really feel the idea was there for those that desired to take some really nice profits and ride the rest free!

Copetti's Friday taped message of hope, released this Tuesday - very nicely done. I feel he had at least an inkling of what was coming Monday, and he acted aggressively to protect the share price, and, oh, to give a further shot to some of those recently exercised warrants.

Copetti is doing what he needs to do to navigate a micro-cap through waters that require capital to prove a concept. Good job - in my opinion, not totally above board, but I agree that management has to do stuff that isn't the most elegant sometimes to get things accomplished, which things are in the best interest of all longs. The fact I think things are orchestrated, including the EC event, should not be interpreted to mean I look down my nose at such things, I think the plan (assuming there is one as I am guessing) has been darn good to date.

Now, as to whether there will or won't be a key NR before the EC event - I just don't know. Fairchij is fairly certain that there will be Here's my thought - if I believe my guess above, then why give some of your "favored" shareholders an opportunity to lighten up on the stock right before you think a key, positive NR is to be released? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. So, I'm thinking some of the key news we've been waiting for, is still not quite ready to be released. Failure to release a key NR before or right after the EC event will be viewed as a disappointment by many. And surely by very many on this board, and it certainly appears that this board is read by holders of share price moving amounts of stock.

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