POET Technologies Inc.

in response to ScaryRaccoon's message

that wasn't the point I was trying to make re: your mechanics.

a valuation is a valuation.

as corporates, they each had a share count, so public or not, there was a multiple calculated. with some digging, it might be discerned.

it is being too simple, and rather ridiculous (imo) to think that at this point, a per-share premium for PTK only in the tens-of-percent would be acceptable.

witness that we can easily achieve and sustain that on our own, in one day, just on spec. and demand.

widen the aim to a month, and we have supported hundreds-of-percent (in the dollars range, where it's harder to do).

so, it leads one to ask, where's the premium? (and at what motivation?)

I can be reasonable, but I don't have an appetite to get shafted with low-ball amounts.

consider a real-estate angle. getting the extra $50k on a deal for your house means something to you. comparatively, your real-estate agent has zero motivation to care about actually getting you that extra $50,000, since the differential to the profit in his/her pocket from commission is peanuts.

in fact, you might be counselled to take the offer. sans the $50k sans $25k sans anything. not because it's the best market offer, not because it's a even good offer.

but because the realtor urgently wants to close the deal, bank their profit, and move on to the next deal (and their next commission!). and you might just get sucked into it (bird in the hand, etc.)

lather. rinse. repeat.

(sound familiar?)

like I said, if your personal exit is $10, that's OK. absolutely nothing wrong with that. everyone has to make their own decisions, along their own time horizon.

but to aim that low for the endgame circumstance is -- for me -- just weak.

FEAR is a powerful motivator. Beware those who would use it against you.



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