POET Technologies Inc.

There's no doubt in my mind the semiconductor industry is in chaos because of Moore's Law.

The last post by Chapagnepwder is just one of a list of companies like Samsung, Intel, you name it that have thought they had a product to put out there that their shareholders demanded of them but have failed miserably.

There's no doubt in my mind that we have the perfect storm and that POET has the answer for all of them, POET is their saviour in that perfect storm and there are no other answers that will satisfy the demands of the shareholders of those companies, at least at this point in time. And even the answers they come up with are years in the future and in most cases just an educated guess.

So right now we are sitting in a position of someone who has just won the lottery and have to wait a little while to get their ticket varified and claim the big prize.

Now I know there are few people out there who want to chastize me for what I'm saying, but again I don't care anymore. I don't care because I know this to be the logical out come of the pleasant situation we find POET and ourselves in. Unless there is going to be a miracle and one of those companies is going to come up with a better pruduct then POET in the next few months than we will find ourselves with POET shares worth at least $70. What price you choose to part with these shares for is your business. I have my mind made up what I want.

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