POET Technologies Inc.

in response to VanVillain's message

It is quite apparent from the many 'what is happening in the chip development industry' articles referenced on this board , that POET is not known amoungst the chattering doyens of the Technical media industry.

One would have thought that is what POET managment employed ATOMIC to resolve, but not so - YET! The strategy appears to keep our powder dry until a working fully functional example of the POET product is avaiable. I can't fault this approach knowing that timing is everything in industry. But how exciting it is to sense that a 'Perfect Storm is brewing'.

Given the above one wonders how did other members of this board get to know about POET in the first place , if it is so scarcely talked about - we all do our best here to promote our interest in it.

The rules of the board prevent me exposing my source of knowledge directly, as it was third hand, but nevertheless it was interest by a high level executive in a particular IT company that attracted my attention when I was informed that a senior of that company was investing heavily in OPEL. I have been buying chunks of POET/OPEL for three years since then. But my decisions were principally because my IT background in the military helped me understand what ground-breaking potential POET had and I liked the idea of being a small part of its devlopment by investing.

I can fully understand why others would not touch POET with a barge pole as its an imature product with no financial metrics to judge, it by but soon that is going to change.

What I would like to know is how and why others on this board got involved. This might help me/us understand why POET is not well known in the industry.

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