Nuinsco Resources's Profile

Driven By Exploration Aggressively exploring for uranium, copper, zinc & gold in Canada & Turkey

Nuinsco Resources Limited, Toronto, Ontario, TSX : NWI, is a growth-oriented, multi-commodity mineral exploration and development company that is prepared for production and focused on growth.

Driven By Exploration, aggressively exploring for uranium, copper, zinc and gold in Canada and Turkey

Nuinsco also holds significant equity positions in near-production Victory Nickel Inc. (TSX:Ni), polymetallic producer Gold Hawk Resources Inc. (TSXV:CGK)

See also:

Nuinsco’s Strategy for Growth

  • Create pure-play resource companies to develop and bring into production existing projects in the pipeline;
  • Acquire and develop advanced projects with near-term production and cash flow potential; and,
  • Identify technically superior exploration projects in solid regions, regardless of commodity.

2008-2009 Objectives

  • Discover a uranium “Super Deposit” at Diabase through aggressive exploration
  • Develop a plan to rationalize the significant mineral endowment at Prairie Lake
  • Accelerate Turkey exploration programs
  • Acquire additional projects – uranium, Turkey, other
  • Achieve commercial production at Corner Bay
  • Assist Campbell Resources to build on its existing asset base
  • Acquire undervalued assets
  • Complete the spin-out of NWI’s gold assets
  • Consider and, if appropriate, create another pure-play company


  • Quality properties in world-class mineralized belts
  • Exposure to a variety of commodities
  • An experienced and active board of directors
  • Strong financial, exploration, development and operating management expertise.
  • Low political risk.

Company Profile

  • Acquire and develop advanced projects with near-term production and cash flow potential;
  • Develop and bring to production existing projects in the pipeline; and,
  • Identify quality exploration projects in stable regions, regardless of commodity.
  • Under an agreement with Campbell, Nuinsco has a 50% interest in future cash flow from Campbell’s Corner Bay copper deposit.


Diabase Peninsula Property, Saskatchewan:

Nuinsco’s Diabase Peninsula uranium project is located 150 kilometres northwest of La Ronge, Saskatchewan on the Athabasca Basin, the region that hosts the world’s largest and richest uranium mines.

The 21,900-hectare property is a joint venture with Trend Mining Company of Denver. Nuinsco has completed two drill programs that returned uranium values as well as key indicator minerals associated with uranium deposits in the Basin which, combined with past drilling and other studies, points toward the local presence of unconformity style mineralization.

Based on these results, Nuinsco has been named as a leader in the race to find the next uranium “Super Deposit” in the Athabasca Basin at Diabase.

Prairie Lake Property, Ontario: Nuinsco is preparing to drill at Prairie Lake, located near Marathon, Ont., which hosts a near-surface historic (non-NI-43-101-compliant) uranium resource of over 180,000 tonnes grading 0.09% U3O8 (and 0.25% niobium) identified in exploration dating from the mid-1960s. This resource has a significant value at current uranium prices and an initial 2,000 metres of drilling is planned on this large carbonatite intrusion to follow up on values from recent surface sampling of up to 0.08% U308 (1.656 lb/tonne).


Copper-Gold - Berta Property, Turkey: Nuinsco is a 50% partner with Xstrata Copper in the Berta copper porphyry project in northeastern Turkey. Situated within the prolific Pontide Mountains Metallogenic Belt, the three licences encompass about 6,000 hectares. Widespread anomalous copper mineralization has been discovered from soil and rock sampling, including over 450 parts per million (ppm) copper. Many samples exceeded 1,000 ppm copper. In addition, good gold values have been found, with numerous values greater than 1.0 g/t, and ranging up to 12.8 g/t.

Copper-Zinc - Elmalaan Property, Turkey: Nuinsco has the option to acquire, from Xstrata, a 100% interest in the Elmalaan copper-zinc property. The 947-hectare property is located 6 km south of the Black Sea coast and is easily accessible year-round. Previous work identified massive sulphides in outcrop and locally-derived boulders that graded up to 30.38% copper and 56.30% zinc and recent drilling intersected both massive and stringer sulphide mineralization grading up to .


Cameron Lake Project, Ontario: Located near Kenora in northwestern Ontario, Cameron Lake hosts a NI 43-101-compliant M&I gold resource of 572,000 tonnes grading 6.51 g/t and an inferred resource of 1,012,000 tonnes grading 5.22 g/t. Approximately $24 million was spent in the 1980s by a former partner of Nuinsco to develop the mine to the 865 foot level, and drilling has demonstrated that gold mineralization extends to greater than 700 metres. Nuinsco is currently in the process of obtaining dewatering permits. Following dewatering, Nuinsco intends to do further drilling underground in 2007.

Victory Nickel

Nuinsco recently spun off its Minago, Mel and Lac Rocher nickel projects along with approximately $12 million in cash to create Victory Nickel Inc. (TSX:Ni). Nuinsco holds an approximate 23% equity interest in Victory Nickel, which has over 660 million pounds of in-situ nickel in NI43-101 resources.

Minago Project, Manitoba: Victory Nickel is advancing its 100%-owned Minago Project, located in the Thompson Nickel Belt, toward production. Minago has more than 553 million lbs of in-situ nickel in M&I resources and an additional 513 million lbs inferred, making it one of Canada’s largest undeveloped nickel deposits. A full feasibility study if expected to be complete in early 2008.

Mel Project, Manitoba: The Mel Project is located in northern Manitoba, 25 kms north of Thompson. Victory Nickel is earning 100% from Inco/CVRD. The Mel resource was recently increased by 79% and the grade by 14%, to 4.3 million tonnes of indicated resources grading 0.875% nickel between of 46 and 183 m, and Mel offers both near-term production potential and exploration upside.

Lac Rocher Project, Quebec: Located in northwestern Quebec, 140 km northeast of Matagami, the high-grade Lac Rocher project has M&I resources totaling 1,190,288 tonnes grading 0.91% nickel, at a 0.5% nickel cutoff, for approximately 25 million lb of in-situ nickel located between surface and 125 vertical metres. Mineralization is open to the SW, and Victory Nickel is currently evaluating near-term production potential from the property.

Last changed at 10-Jan-2011 08:46PM by RockLicker

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors


    René R. Galipeau, C.G.A Vice-Chairman, C.E.O. and Director

    A seasoned mining executive with over 30 years of experience René Galipeau has been a director of Nuinsco since 1993. During his career he has held senior positions with a number of gold and base metals mining companies in Canada and the U.S., including 11 years with Breakwater Resources, and has been a director of eight public mining companies.

    Paul L. Jones, B.Sc., P. Geo. President

    Paul Jones has been with Nuinsco since 1985 as Senior Geologist, Vice-President, Exploration and President. Mr. Jones has over 20 years of experience and acts as Nuinsco’s qualified person in all exploration matters.

    Alison Sutcliffe, CA, Vice-
    President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer

    Alison Sutcliffe is a Chartered Accountant who, since 2007, served as Controller, Resources at Dundee Corporation, with primary responsibility for accounting and reporting for Eurogas Corporation. Prior to joining Dundee, Ms. Sutcliffe spent 12 years with Deloitte and Touche in Canada and the UK and seven years with CIBC in Canada and the United States, culminating with the role of Chief Financial Officer with CIBC National Bank.

    Sean Stokes, Corporate Secretary and Vice-President, Public Affairs

    Sean Stokes has 20 years of communications experience, during the past 13 of which he has served as a corporate investor relations officer and financial communications/business development consultant to a broad range of publicly traded and private companies primarily in the mining and technology sectors.

    David Mchaina, Ph.D., P.Eng., Vice-President of Environment & Sustainable Development

    David Mchaina is a professional engineer with more than 20 years of progressive technical and management experience in environmental, health and safety protection and sustainable development with Boliden, Westmin, Goldcorp.


    W. Warren Holmes, B.Sc., P.Eng., MBA Chairman and Director

    Warren Holmes is a mining engineer who formerly worked for 38 years with Noranda and Falconbridge, most recently as Senior Vice President, Canadian Mining Operations. He serves on the Boards of a number of public and private corporations, including Jaguar Nickel Inc., Wallbridge Mining Company Limited, Inmet Mining, Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd. and Norcast Income Trust.

    George F. Archibald, M.Sc., P. Geo. Director

    George F. Archibald has served as Vice-President, Exploration of Nuinsco since 1970 to 2004. He was a member of a Falconbridge exploration team responsible for three new mine discoveries in the 1960s. He has exceeded that record with four discoveries since joining Nuinsco.

    Howard S. Barth, CA, MBA. Director

    Mr. Barth has over 25 years experience as a CA in public practice and opened his own practice in 1985. He has specialized in providing services to clientele in the construction, manufacturing, restaurant and mining industries. Mr. Barth is currently President, CEO and Director of Yukon Gold Corp., a TSX-listed exploration company.

    Thomas W. Judson Director

    Thomas W. Judson is president and C.E.O. of T.W. Judson and Son Ltd., general contractors engaged in heavy construction, engineering work, land development and quarrying activities in northwestern Ontario. He has been an important member of the business community in this part of Ontario, holding personal interests in a variety of local enterprises.

    David Lewis Director

    David Lewis is currently President of Global Renaissance Fund Inc., a private investment pool which manages and sources investments on a global basis. He is also Founder, President and CEO of Renvest Capital Corporation. Mr. Lewis holds a distinguished career in the Canadian financial community as an investment adviser and institutional stock broker and as the former President of Altamira Securities and Jovian Capital Corporation.

    Howard Stockford P. Eng., Director

    Mr. Stockford is a professional engineer and mining consultant with over 40 years experience, including 13 years with Falconbridge. Formerly Executive Vice-President of Aur Resources Inc., where he spent 21 years, he currently serves on the board of Aur Resources and Agnico Eagle Mines Limited. Mr. Stockford is a life member of the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) for which he has served as Chairman of both Winnipeg and Toronto Branches. Mr. Stockford was honoured to serve as the President of CIM from May 2003 to May 2004.

    T. Mike Young P. Eng., Director

    Mr. Young is a mining executive, mining consultant and metallurgist with 45 years of global industry experience with a range of companies including Anglo American, Rio Tinto, Normandy Mining and Diamondfields. Between 1996 and 2003, Mr. Young was Vice-President Corporate Development for Falconbridge Ltd. He serves on the Boards of a number of mineral industry companies working in Canada and internationally.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • NWI Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Nuinsco Resources
FD 285million as at Nov 2010
Metals & Minerals
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