Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to TraderJoey's message

Perhaps all of us who own CMM ( soon to be WTG IF??? ) hope you are wrong. If Max fails then we all go down as well. We may not like the deal and those who we followed put up a great fight. They did the fight well and honourably. When the dust ( uncertainty in the market place ) settles we will see what happens. We"ve had the choice to bail out or stay and fight. The choice now is to bail or stay and hope for a reward. So far Max is a winner along with the " yes " crowd because they were the successful ones to merger the two companies. I wish them all the luck in the world as they go forward and hope they can pull off what they plan to do.

19 cents is a meaningless figure as far as I am concerned. There are so many stocks like CMM that are not getting a fair evaluation for what they have in the ground. The markets are not in the risk taking mode and there is no light at the end of the tunnel visible yet either. These markets may continue like this for some time. The only thing that will change the future for CMM is getting what they have in the ground into production. I am confident that some of the projections others have posted will be close.

May WTG and the CMM properties continue to find that yellow stuff!!!!! And lots of it. I hope Max makes tons of money and soon.

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