Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
Re: Consider
almost 13 years ago
in response to Fredericton's message

"We have a tentatively approved Merger at .4 : 1. WTG @ .80, so by my math CMM is worth .32"

Well, IMHO it really isn't quite that simple. For example, see my post here:

My back of the envelope calculation there suggested that the WTG share price should head towards 0.60 and the CMM share price should head towards 0.4 * 0.60 = 0.24.

But ultimately the market will price the WTG shares the day after the merger as the market sees fit. However, their prices do NOT! have to be in a perfect 0.4 : 1 ratio the instant before the merger. That would only be the case if WTG shares were available in large quantities to short sell and take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity. But they are not. So it is a bit of a mug's game guessing what the "correct" prices today should be.

"My other observation, is that by minority shareholders punching way above their weight, while we didn't stop the Merger, didn't get a better deal, we were treated like crap, and on and on"

Given what you said, how do you figure minority shareholders punched way above their weight? It's a rhetorical question, you don't need to answer. However, I guess I just don't see it the way you do. We may have made CMM issue a few extra PRs, but I really do not think they felt any punches.

We may not like it, but the street (overall) seems pretty happy with Finskiy. The street could have killed the deal had it wanted to. And as someone pointed out just the other day, Finskiy was an invited panelist with a couple of other big shots at some Bay Street function just recently.

Just my opinion, don't shoot me. :-)

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