Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
Re: Garbage
about 13 years ago
in response to Orange Flash's message

Sure it is garbage or any other derogatory name you want to use. Too much ranting here and it doesn't take you anywhere. These pillers of the financial system you speak of have been playing by the same rules Finskiy used. Why shouldn't they be all on the same platform? It's the rules they play by that need to be changed in parliament by our politicians. But they get money to run their campaigns from these kind of " crooks ". Back in 1965 when I first became intersted in stocks, there was a scandal with a company called Windfall Mines and Oil. The CEO went to jail. Once in a while one steps too far over the line it seems. Only a few years ago the mining industry gave her some medal of honour. So I do not expect too much from the regulators here. Back in the 1970's a fund manager tried to get support from other funds to make changes to make markets more fair. He tried to rally the two biggest funds but had no support. Thes e guys do not want a fair marketplace. They want to keep it rigged in their favour.

Someone posted about 4, 5 or even 6 things that were out of line with how Century Mining did things. If these allegations are true, why isn't something done? I still have some hope that our group may get somewhere in the courts. Just a little bit but miracles do happen once in a while.

However, the majority vote was much larger than we all expected, at least it applies to me. When I looked over my ballot, I noticed that anyone not voting, then those shares would be voted in favour of management. I was appalled at reading this. This must be legal and I may be interpreting it wrong, but it seemed plain enough for even a dummy like me. You do not have to be smart to smell something rotten. I fear we have lost by so much that our complaints will be ignored.

We have suffered a massive dilution in my view. The gold is still there to be mined and I hope that whatever value that eventually comes from the WTG shares will make me a few bucks. These guys want to make money and once this deal goes through ( IF ) then they can focus on doing that. Either way I think we will have some interesting events ahead of us. We should hear something one of these days from the group and their legal advisors. I respect the conditions that they must be careful what they say, but one day the silence barrier can be broken.

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