Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to antlizzie's message

antlizzie - I would argue that we can (rely on stock price comparisons) certainly aren't going to see WTG go rocketing up anytime soon (certainly not before the final Court order-not likely after either - since Finskiy owns/controls in excess of 96%). Therefore, it will only go down - WTG is not priced by the market - CMM is. The market seems to be saying CMM isn't going over 30cents. Therefore, WTG will be manipulated down to meet the 0.4 ratio. The only uncertainty here, I believe, is in what way will Finskiy screw over the 'minority' shareholders that were forced to take WTG paper.

In this event - NSX001 could be right - some franken-merger with hideous dilution into Intergeo. This could happen quite quickly - no pesky CSC and minority shareholders to bog down the process next time.

There could certainly (in my view) also be Zaruma and Ecometals involved...likely they may get rolled up into Intergeo also. (Warning to holders of these two companies).

WTG was artificially inflated late December/Early January of this year in anticipation of the acquisition of CMM. This will not occur again - if anything it will be deflated further so that Intergeo can grab it for nothing.

This is why nobody in their right mind should have voted YES for this business combination. That is why there was so much organised resistance against this business combination.

My rant.

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