Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves

I must admt that I initially fell for this dupe perpetrated by Finskiy-Scola-Major-Cowley to mislead the marktplace and minority retail shareholders.

Relic, over on Stock Igloo, as usual, was on his game and saw through it from the outset.

Even the "Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Information" …. was made to look like a legal disclaimer while in fact it was only "garbalese propaganda".


If I may be permitted to project an analogy of what they did. It was as if I took my car in for a safety check. The garage mechanic says that he will give me a "conditional" safety sticker on the condition that these items pass ….. my lights, horn, suspension etc. Then he proceeds to confirm and approve these items. Unfortunately he finds that my suspension system does not meet the requirements of spec. MI 61-101.

This news release was nothing more than a back handed attempt to mislead and manipulate CMM shareholders. It did not work ! In fact, Finskiy-Scola-Major-Cowley exposed and listed the items that they are struggling with and those items that we need to continue attacking.

It seems that every time they attempt to do something, it blows up in their faces and doesn't have the effect that they had wanted. Need I mention that this raises questions as to their capability to also run a mining company of the quality of CMM.

Disclaimer.... this is even more reason for me and others to express our opinions. CMM are going to any lengths to force this proposed merger onto minority Retail shareholders.

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