Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to balducci's message

You talk too much common sense and you comments might get you out of favour here. I agree with you however, and so might keep you company.

There is a reputable poster among us who very early in this contest of WTG's attempt to " steal " CMM, made some observations that the takeover may be good. He made some points to think about. He may no longer think positively about what he posted, but still, the idea has to be dealt with by each one of us.

The idea Ironman posed to us isn't too much different. I wonder about the good of the proposal even now. It isn't the way I choose to go, but it has to be dealt with in a rational way. IS CMM FINANCIALLY VIABLE? With the price of gold above $1,500 an ounce we all know it should be. The case has been made several times that CM is generating cash enough to pay its way. But that assumes the business is being run properly. IS IT? There has been enough written as well that we are suffering from bad management. Poor desicions led to the sinking of the Titanic. I do not have enough facts to decide one way or the other.

If CMM does not have the cash to meet its obligations, the creditors will take over at some point. If this happens, then the common shareholder will lose out. So, while I may not like the conclusions that Ironman comes to, he could be right. I hope not!!! The one creditor I wonder about is Duechabank ( pardon my spelling please ) because they have supported this merger proposal. How much power do they wield???

I am committed as of now to holding on to my shares and supporting the committee that has been set up. If CMM was run as well as this committee has been, we would not be in this mess. I am persuaded by the facts that a small group has made a move to benefit more for themselves than the small retail investor. I think the committee has a good chance to persuade the regulative body to look into this case. What their findings may be is another matter.

The share price is in the dumps and it should not surprise anyone. The market does not like this deal. That is very obvious. For the most part, it is down due to being a bad deal for CMM. There is also a part of this due to uncertainty.

There was a news release that the terms of the deal were trying to be changed so the tax consequences would be more favourable to those exchanging their shares for WTG. I have not heard if this became reality. If it did, it would make our committee's work more difficult. The origional terms would not suit many shareholders. So the change would make it easier for that group to support the merger. This does not change to prospect for most of us that this is a bad deal, or at least one that we do not wish upon ourselves.

I do not think I am alone here with some honest thoughts about this whole mess. I just would hope that we be rational and have some honest debate about facts. Leave your emotions out of it. Consider the arguments.

As a disclaimer, I am not a basher. I support our committee. I have over 100,000 shares that will vote NO!!!!

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