Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves

My intent is to keep a focus on the important items as they relate to the upcoming June 28 AGM

  1. Submission of the names, by PRIVATE MESSAGE to Hoov, of nominees to the CMM Board of Directors who will act to the benefit of ALL shareholders. In order to make this action effective, we need to submit four (4) nominee names.

(Comment: As I researched and did due diligence on my nominees. it became very apparent that had these individuals been on our BoD, this present mess would never have gone beyond the Board Room doors)

  1. Suggestions of items relating to the intent of the AGM in order to strengthen the visibility and transparency of Board of Directors actions and those of the CMM Executive Management. Again, these suggestions should be submitted to Hoov via PRIVATE MESSAGE.
  1. If you have not already done so or you have increased you CMM holdings, please process you donation to the expenses of the Concerned Shareholders Committee. To date we have seen the very effective tip of the iceberg by the CSC with more to come. The suggested tariff was $1 per 1,000 shares
  1. Suggestions and inclusions into the Agenda of the AGM via PRIVATE MESSAGE to Hoov for the CSC to consider.

27 Days and Counting

This Disclaimer as with all my previous disclaimers have been my own personal opinions and personal comments

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