Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to Fredericton's message

I was one of the 275. I got caught up in the nonsense. Then I realized how dire Century's situation was and it shook me out of my coma. And I'm not alone. I've spoken to quite a few who voted no originally who have now recognized the severity of the situation if this doesn't work out. Century is broke. 8 Million. 1 Million. More to come. This 1 million is a lifeline. This deal falls apart and we'll all be using our Century certificates as toilet paper. There's no way in the world the "informed" people who post regularly here and on Stockigloo haven't asked themselves the question of whether or not Century will be ok in the event this doesn't work out. Well they won't be. The best case scenario will be a tremendously dilutive transaction to raise cash. And in response to jacka$$ Joey....the stock hit .70 on it's own because everyone was all excited and speculating there was going to be a deal. That's the only reason it rallied. $1.80 was the implied price on the day of the announcement given where White Tiger was trading.

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