Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves reigniting the mental juices simmering against the proposed merger and the ever building "NO" vote.

My thanks so far to Paydirt13, Goldfinger99 and Koetjeboe for so eloquently answering your post with reality. I must say that your (IMNironman) spelling, grammar and thought coordination left a lot to be desired which drew my first suspicions of your intent.

I've been active enough on Agoracom and Stockigloo that I've developed a touch of Carpel Tunnel reacting to you could have been a little painful. However, Paydirt13, Goldfinger 99 and Koetjeboe certainly spoke for me and I thank them for that.

Let me replay my continuing "monitor" of the real sentiment backed up by "NO" votes.

505 members have indicated that they do not want WTG paper (435) or nothing worse than 1:1 (70). However, 269 members have voted their shares (now totalling 80,550,612 shares). As such, 236 members (or 47 %) voting "NO" members have yet to indicate their share holdings available to the "NO" vote.

This trend has been continuing on a daily basis and if one extrapolates these numbers, I suggest that Mr. Finskiy and Associates (who I believe to be also watching) have something to worry about. I am starting to contemplate if the question now is about Mr. Finskiy and Associates reworking their offer or is it about Mr. Finskiy and Associates being asked to leave by a "NO" vote.

I also point out that the sentiment against the "NO" vote has and is so strong, that members were quick to respond with a CENTURY MINING SHAREHOLDER'S COMMITTEE comprising committee members who are very knowledgeable, experienced and aggressive in thwarting the "not in the best efforts of ALL shareholders" being perpetrated by Mr. Finskiy and Associates.

IMNironman....... may I suggest that you retreat to the wings and let the masters of good business practices and fairplay impress you with their magic.

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