Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to goldfinger99's message

"It may also surprise you that 77% of CMM's shareholders do not want to have anything to do with WTG"

77% of votes cast in a stockigloo survey expressed no interest in receiving WTG shares.

That may or may not equate with 77% of shareholders.

The percent of shareholders who do not want to have anything to do with WTG may be much higher or much lower than 77%. At the present time, we really have no way of knowing.

Here's just a back of the envelope calculation. If someone has more accurate numbers, please supply them. I'll use some conservative figures.

How many shares of CMM are out there that Finskiy does not control or significantly influence (when it comes to voting)? Say, 250 million?

At stockigloo, if you look at the list of shareholders opposed to the merger, you have about 265 of them (some of those we know actually voted / signed the list more than once ... I'll ignore that complication because I have no way to correct for it).

Also, I ignore Fair For All's contribution because my understanding is that his share total represents an unknown (to me) number of investors, not just a single person.

Okay, so you have about 35 million shares left on the list divided by about 265 people ... so on average, each retail shareholder holds about 132,000 shares.

Divide the 250 million (non-Finskiy) share figure by 132,000 and you come up with about 1900 retail investors. Of whom, at most 569 have expressed an opinion in the stockigloo survey.

As I said, this is a back of the envelope calculation. If my 250 million count is way off, someone please correct it.

So my point is just that an awful lot of retail investors have yet to voice or vote their opinion in any public forum. We can guess how they feel, but let us be honest and admit that it is a guess.

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