Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves

I have followed this blog and stockigloo religiously for months because of how impressed I was with the quality of the posts. I've never been on a blog that had posters that were more intuitive and informed. You literally called the merger to an absolute tee a full month prior to it actually happening. Everyone of you has the nature of this acquisition absolutely pegged. All the shananigans. The cone crusher. The money troubles. The permit issues. All to instill fear among Century holders. Today they started to work the other side of the equation. Positive announcements for WTG. We all may live another 50 years and never see such blatant manipulation. BUT HERE'S WHAT NOONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND!!!!!! From the date of announcement, by my calculation, Finskiy is down about 250 million dollars!!! Has it occurred to anyone that maybe just maybe the Century acquisition is just part 1 in a much bigger plan? Do you really think that anyone would be able to mastermind this type of an underhanded transaction and not understand the possible outrage on the part of Century owners and the subsequent pressure that both stocks would be under as a result??? ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE!!!! This deal will go through. Century holders will mistakenly sell their WTG shares and Finskiy and friends will gladly be there to pick them up on the cheap. ANY SHOT IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS THAT THERE'S ALREADY A PLANNED ACQUISITION OF WTG BY POLYUS???? I know one thing....Finskiy isn't doing this to lose money. We all acknowledge the fix is on. Well then why doesn't anyone seem to understand this is part of a bigger plan? WTG was 4.55 and Century was about 80 cents at the time of this announcement. Unless the ultimate outcome is a combined company with a substantially higher price why would Finskiy go through all the trouble? No chance. The deck is stacked allright. And all of you are playing right into it instead of understanding the bigger picture. JUST THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!

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