Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves

In my 4 1/2 decades of all kinds of business experiences.... I was taught by mentors that

  • there is no room in business for emotion
  • friends are friends and business is business
  • information is power
  • keep yourself cool and your powder dry
  • .........and I'm sure there are many others of you who could still teach me a few more lessons

One of our strengths is that through these Message boards we have open communication with each other and as such we will start to form a united front of concensus. However, it is also reasonable that Messrs. Major, Scola, Finskiy, Directors, Insiders, friends, associates are accessing our comments, concerns, direction, sentiments, strengths and on and on.

But I ask these few questions.... If Hitler had had access to Stalin's intra communications and thoughts, if the Taliban today had access to the Allies intra communications and field leaders thoughts..... Who would have one the wars?

Yet today in this war/fight/situation we find ourselves exposing our intra communications and field leaders thoughts.

My recommendation, therefore, is that we raise the level of activity one level higher to Legal experience, Funds for activities and needs, off-line activities, information gathering, organizing...... in the hands of knowledgeable people acting in our best interests.

The difference with this recommendation is that Messrs. Major, Scola, Finskiy, CMM Directors, Insiders WOULD NOT have access to what we are doing that will and could be detrimental to what they are trying to force down our throats. Give them something to worry about.

Let me start some thought directions.

We will eventually, if not now, need to fund our efforts. I'm suggesting that we set up a fund where the tariff would be $1 per 1,000 shares owned.

The scenarios and needs to counter CMM insiders are legal in nature, they have their own legal team using terminology and meanings which are beyond the knowledge of most of us. We need our own legal team.

Activities that thwart Messrs. Major, Scola, Finskiy, Directors, Cowley, friends, associates - all Insider's attempts to hide information from us and to manipulate our understanding of their plans to secure their interests. Carry out activities that are in our interest. Example, give me 10 names and phone #'s of shareholders and I'll call everyone personally. Give me the names of 10 companies who should be contacted and invited to look at Century Mining .... and I'll call them personally. I've already talked to Agnico-Eagle.

One individual that I talked to said.... "time is on your/our side". We need to take this time and make it productive towards our best interests. To maintain the status quo.... is like giving the enemy all our intra communications and thoughts. Which is exactly what we are doing right now. We still need to communicate between ourselves but we need to serve notice on Messrs. Major, Finskiy and CMM insiders that they should also start thinking about being fair and equitable because there are activites that could/will blow up in their faces.

I apologize for my long windedness.... but the essence of what I wrote was:

  • Set up an activity and needs fund
  • Get our own legal team
  • Carry out activities that thwart
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