Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
Re: Voting
over 13 years ago
in response to glenfidish's message

Voting is pretty simple, really. And there are two types of votes, if you accept the definition loosely.

You've seen mention in a SEDAR filing about a special meeting, that the record date was set at March 8. Shareholders formally registered as owners of company securities at the end of that business day will receive an information package in the mail, which fully describes the nature of the matter to be voted on, as well as the voting materials themselves.

Now here's where there are slight differences in the process. If the matter to be "voted" on is a takeover bid, then your "vote" is registered by your acceptance or rejection of the offered price. To accept the offer, you would tender your shares to the offer, by notifiying the transfer agent (the official repository of share ownership information). To reject the bid, you do nothing. If the bid changes (say, another competing offer comes in), then you can always rescind your tender, but lets not get caught up in too much detail. In the end, those shares tendered to the bid at the end of the offer period will be sold according to the offer's terms. In that respect, you have "voted" with your wallet.

If the matter to be voted on is a business combination (a merger of businesses), or something similar, then your vote can be registered by proxy, or by voting in person at the actual special meeting. Withholding your vote does you no good, as only those votes which are specifically for or against whatever resolution is being voted upon are counted.

For both of the above cases, there is always a convernient online option to indicate your decision, but each can be done by mail or in person, as well. You will receive a document with a unique identifier, so that you can vote your specific shares. If you have shares in more than one type of account, or at more than one broker, you will receive separate proxies for each of those accounts. When the time comes, we always discuss the nitty-gritty details of how to make your intentions known. You won't be left in the dark.


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