Murgor Resources's Profile

Greenstone Belt - The richest in Canada per km² Exploration & Development of zinc, copper & gold assets in Canada.

Murgor Resources Inc. TSX.V : MGR, is a mineral exploration company based in Montreal, with a focus on Zinc, Copper and Gold exploration in Canada.

The Corporation’s short to mid term exploration & development strategy is to acquire advanced, near production mineral deposits to bring them to the production stage. Meanwhile, the Corporation continues to acquire and explore highly prospective grassroots mining properties in historically prolific areas in Canada and abroad to enhance its current resources.

In September and October of 2006, Murgor signed six agreements with HudBay Minerals.

Since entering the agreements with HudBay Minerals, less than two years ago, Murgor has grown its resource at Wim, Hudvam and Fon, to 9.1 million metric tonnes of mineralization containing 444.5 million pounds of zinc, 186.5 million pounds of copper, 355,500 ounces of gold and 3.0 million ounces of silver.

Murgor is also acquiring, from HudBay Minerals, a 50% interest in two highly prospective grassroots properties, covering more than 1,850 square kilometers adjacent to the Snow Lake and Flin Flon mining districts.

Greenstone Belt - The richest in Canada per km²

Murgor has an impressive portfolio of mineral deposits and exploration properties in the Flin Flon belt of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The Flin Flon “greenstone belt” of Manitoba and Saskatchewan is one of the most prospective areas in the world for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) polymetallic mineralization deposits. All projects are located in close proximity to existing infrastructure including road and rail links, and operating concentrators in Flin Flon and Snow Lake, Manitoba.

Hudvam Deposit

A true polymetallic deposit located 47 km NE of the Town of Flin Flon. An existing 312-metre ramp could be rehabilitated to accelerate the development of the deposit towards production.

The Hudvam deposit is a priority for Murgor to attain its objective of near-term production. Underground development may start as early as 2009.

Wim Deposit

An aggressive exploration program is quickly increasing the potential of this copper-gold deposit. Consisting of one large ore lens, located 17 km north of the Town of Snow Lake, the deposit has significantly increased in size through extensive drilling during 2007 and 2008. Murgor is currently evaluating the economic potential of this deposit, considering its increased resource, with the view of producing a feasibility study by mid-2009.

Fon Deposit

A large zinc deposit consisting of multiple ore lenses located 40 km west of the Town of Flin Flon. Murgor is currently working to increase the high-grade tonnage of this deposit, and is evaluating the open-pit potential of the upper part of the deposit.


MGR will start a drilling program at its Fon property in Saskatchewan, on Feb. 23, 2009.

The drilling program will be testing a target defined by a large electromagnetic geophysical anomaly detected from surface by InfinitEM and confirmed by borehole Pulse EM method.

The anomaly is located less than 100 metres on strike and to the east of the Abbott Lake deposit, at a vertical depth of 400 metres. This anomaly is interpreted as having a strike extent of 600 metres and a vertical extent of up to 200 metres. It occurs down dip from a highly prospective mineralized felsic fragmental rock unit, similar in character to felsic units present at the 777 mine.

The Abbott Lake mineralization consists of sulphide stringers with pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, grading on average 2.75 per cent copper, 1.10 per cent zinc, 51.08 grams per tonne silver and 0.308 gram per tonne gold. The stringer zone is believed to represent the feeder zone to a deeper and yet to be discovered massive sulphide deposit which constitutes the drill target.

The Windfall Gold Project, Quebec, Canada

The Windfall Gold Property is part of a group of four (4) properties located within a 20 kilometres radius within the Barry-Urban greenstone belt and referred to as the Barry-Urban Projects.

Murgor Resources and equal joint venture partner Freewest Resources Canada currently hold the largest and most prospective land position in the Barry-Urban Exploration Camp.

The four (4) properties consist of 673 claims covering in excess of 245 square kilometres

Murgor owns a 50% interest in the property with equal partner Freewest Resources Canada Inc. Murgor is the operator of the project.

Since February, 2007, Noront Resources Ltd. can earn a 50% interest in 29 claims of the Windfall Property from Murgor and Freewest. Murgor and Freewest will retain a 100% interest in the remaining 184 claims of the property


In February, 2007, Murgor signed an option agreement with Noront Resources Ltd. and Freewest Resources Canada Inc. whereby Noront can earn a 50% interest in 29 claims of Murgor and Freewest's Windfall Property in Northwestern Quebec.

The 29 claims under option are located immediately north of the Noront property. Murgor and Freewest retain a 100% interest in 184 claims of the Windfall property including the NE extension of the gold bearing structures where a drilling program is planned before the spring of 2007. The objective of the agreement is to test and sample gold zones F-11 and F-17, previously discovered by Murgor and Freewest, with an underground exploration ramp that would start on the newly optioned ground.

The ramp will also provide access to a number of deeper mineralized zones on the Noront property. Under the terms of the agreement, Noront issued a total of 750,000 common shares of Noront to the Murgor-Freewest joint venture upon signing of the agreement and will be incurring exploration expenditures of $4 million, in order to earn a participating 50% interest in the claims. Noront may earn an additional 10% participating interest providing the feasibility study is positive. Drilling and preparatory work for the exploration ramp started in April of 2007.

In 2008, our joint venture partner Noront Resources completed more than 880 metres of underground development, including 108 metres of drifting in Murgor’s Gold Zone F-17. Results have been encouraging thus far, stating that numerous occurrences of large quantities of visible gold were observed underground.

2009: Status and Future Work

Murgor is planning an extensive exploration program at Windfall in 2009 aimed at exploring, among other targets, the NE extension of the structure where Noront reported an intersection of 1,327.9 g/t Gold over 4.80 meters in late 2006.

Murgor is planning a program of mechanical trenching, sampling and drilling.

At the Noront option, a 1,119 meter ramp was completed in 2008, including 32.5 meters of drifting in the F-11 Gold Zone and 102 meters of drifting in the F-17 Gold Zone. Muck samples at the F-11 Gold Zone have averaged 3.95 g/t gold whereas muck samples over a 20 meter length of the F-17 Gold Zone averaged 2.34 g/t gold.

Due to the free gold nature of the mineralization, a bulk sample will be necessary to determine the true grades of the F-11 and F-17 Gold Zones.

Last changed at 26-Feb-2013 04:45PM by jwdv

Management & Directors

  • André C. Tessier

    President and CEO, Directior

    Mr. Tessier holds an engineering degree from Ecole Polytechnique in Montréal and a Master`s degree in geology from Queen`s University in Kingston. He has over 20 years experience in the mineral industry and since 1994 has been an independent geological consultant specialising in structural geology and mineral exploration. Mr. Tessier has been involved in numerous exploration programs for major, and junior mining companies including regional surface exploration programs as well as underground and open-pit mine exploration projects. He has experience with a wide variety of deposit types in Canada, South America and Central Asia (Epithermal-Gold, Lode-Gold, Disseminated/VMS-Gold, Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Cu-Zn-Pb ?Ag-Au, Carbonate Replacement Zn-Pb-Ag, Polymetallic Skarn, Porphyry-Cu and Unconformity-Type Uranium deposits). Mr. Tessier has been President of Murgor Resources since 2003. Mr. Tessier is also a Director of the company.

  • Dr. C. Jay Hodgson

    Chairman of the Board, Director

    Dr. Hodgson is a Research Exploration Geologist with over 40 years of worldwide experience in base metal and precious metals exploration. He is a graduate of McGill University in Montreal and received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. From 1972 to 1995, Dr. Hodgson was Professor of Economic Geology at Queen’s University where he collaborated very closely with the mining industry. During his tenure at Queen’s he supervised over 50 graduate theses and published 45 scientific papers including several landmark articles on economic geology and exploration. Prior to joining Murgor, since 1996, Dr. Hodgson was Chief Geologist at Barrick Gold Corp. where he was in charge of designing and executing Barrick’s worldwide exploration programs while ensuring that Barrick maintained its technical edge among the gold exploration world. During his mandate at Barrick, Dr. Hodgson was involved with the discoveries and acquisitions of several world-class gold deposits such as Pierina and Alto Chicama in Peru, Pascua-Lama in Chile, Valadero in Argentina, and Bulyanhulu in Tanzania. Dr. Hodgson has brought an invaluable wealth of experience at Murgor along with his passion and enthusiasm for exploration. He has been with Murgor since 2006.

  • Mackenzie I. Watson


    Mr. Watson has 40 years of exploration experience and has been involved in the discovery of numerous coal, base metals and gold deposits in Canada. He was awarded Canada’s Prospector of the Year Award in 1991 for his participation in the discovery of a number of deposits in Canada including the Harker Holloway Au Mine (On), the Icon- Sullivan Cu Mine (Qc), the Long Lac Zn Mine (On), the Elephant Au deposit (Qc) and the Hébécourt Cu deposit (Qc). He was also awarded the Quebec Prospector of the Year Award in 1992 for his participation in the discovery of the Pusticamica and Verneuil Au deposits in Quebec. Mr. Watson is President of Freewest Resources Canada Inc and a former President of the Company. He has been involved with Murgor for the past 21 years.

  • Dr. Jean-Philippe Desrochers, PhD

    Vice-President Exploration

    Dr. Desrochers holds a PhD in geology from University of Montreal and has over 17 years experience in the mineral exploration industry in Canada, Central America and South America. He has been involved with intermediate and junior mining companies with exploration projects ranging from grassroots to mine-scale, at surface and underground. Dr. Desrochers specializes in the field of structural geology applied to ore deposits in the search for Archean lode gold, volcanogenic massive sulfides, porphyry copper, skarn, and epithermal gold deposits. Prior to joining Murgor, in 2005, he worked as a Principal Geologist with SRK Consulting in Canada.

  • Isabelle Gauthier, CA


    Ms. Gauthier is a Chartered Accountant and a graduate from Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). She has been a member of the Ordre des Comptables Agréés du Québec since 1998. From 1996 to 2006, she worked for the Chartered Accountant firm of Raymond, Chabot, Grant, Thornton as an auditor where she gained a solid experience in management and financial reporting for mining companies. Since 2006, Ms. Gauthier has been responsible for all accounting duties with SearchGold Resources Inc. and Golden Share Mining Corporation, two public companies in the junior mining sector, based in Montreal. She is now Chief Financial Officer for both companies.

  • Neil W. Richardson, P. Geo,

    Manager of Exploration - Central Canada

    Mr. Richardson holds a Geological Engineering Technology diploma from Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ontario, and has over 20 years experience in the mineral exploration sector. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba and the Manitoba - Saskatchewan Prospectors Association. Prior to joining Murgor, Mr. Richardson was a Senior Exploration Geologist for HudBay Minerals Inc. in Flin Flon, Manitoba, where he was part of an exploration team that discovered a number of new mineralized zones throughout the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt. Mr. Richardson also worked as a Senior Mine Geologist for Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd. He also worked for several companies throughout Canada such as: LAC Minerals, Renabie Gold Mines Ltd, Curragh Resources, North American Metals and Dynatec Mining. Murgor benefits from Mr. Richardson’s in depth knowledge of the Flin Flon greenstone belt along with a wealth of experience in the exploration for gold, volcanogenic massive sulphides, magmatic nickel and skarn deposits. He joined Murgor in December of 2006.

  • Director


    Dr. Michael D. Doggett, Director:
    Dr. Doggett is a mineral economics consultant with more than 20 years of experience advising mining companies, governments and international agencies. He has also delivered short courses on mining project evaluation to more than 700 professionals in a dozen countries. Dr. Doggett is an Adjunct Professor at Queen's University, where he served as Director of the Mineral Exploration Master's Program from 1997 to 2007, and a visiting International Professor at the Western Australian School of Mines at Curtin University. He currently sits as a Director of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada and is a member of the Committee on Earth Resources at the US National Academy of Sciences.

    David W. Moore, Director:
    Mr. Moore is an Exploration Geologist with over 30 years worldwide experience in base and precious metals ranging from grassroots exploration to feasibility and development. He has great strength in project generation and management and has a proven track record of discovery. He was a key team member in the discovery and delineation of a number of mineral deposits including Kudz Ze Kayah (Yukon), Cerattepe (Turkey), Red Dog (Alaska) and Hackett River (Nunavut). Until recently, David was General Manager Exploration Business Development for Teck-Cominco Limited, where he led a group charged with the identification and acquisition of mining development projects and brown-fields opportunities. Prior to the merger with Teck, he was General Manager Global Exploration in which capacity he directed Cominco Ltd’s worldwide exploration efforts outside of the United States. He is now President and CEO of Serengeti Resources Inc, a very successful junior exploration company in based in Vancouver.

    Mark Eaton, Director:
    Mr. Eaton is a private investor and investment professional based in Toronto, with over 20 years of experience in equity capital markets specializing in the resource sector. Mr. Eaton is a graduate of Hull University in England. From 1985 to 1995, he worked in London, U.K. in institutional equity sales for several leading Canadian investment dealers. In 1995, Mr. Eaton worked in U.S. institutional equity sales for Tucker Anthony in Boston, then moved on to New York, where from 1996 to 1998, he served as Vice President of Global Mining Sales for Robert Fleming Ltd., a London based Merchant Bank. While at Robert Fleming Ltd., Mr. Eaton's responsibilities included the marketing of global mining and commodity research.

    From 1998 to 2007, Mr. Eaton held the position of Managing Director of Global Mining Sales, a division of CIBC World Markets of Toronto Canada. During this time Mr. Eaton also held the position of Manager of U.S. Equity Sales for CIBC World Markets, building its teams in Boston and New York to market the full Canadian products and services of CIBC World Markets. More recently, Mr. Eaton was a Partner and Director of Loewen Ondaatje McCutcheon Ltd., a Toronto-based investment dealer where he was also in charge of Sales and Research. Mr. Eaton is also on the Board of Directors of UEX Corporation, a Vancouver-based uranium exploration company trading on the TSX.

  • Exploration Team


    Kingston, Ont.

    Chan Quang, M.Sc., Senior Geologist
    Mr. Quang is a graduate of the University of British Columbia (B.Sc. Hons.) and Queen's University (M.Sc.). He has been active in mineral exploration for over 10 years with a number of major and junior mining companies. He has explored for gold and base metals in Canada, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Australia. He joined Murgor in 2006.

    Benjamin Batson, E.I.T., Project Geologist
    Mr. Batson is a graduate of Queen’s University in Kingston from the Geological Engineering - Mineral Exploration program. He has worked for five years as a geological consultant for several junior mining and exploration companies in gold and base metal exploration. He joined the Murgor Team in 2006.

    Nicole Chauvette, Administrative Assistant
    Ms. Chauvette joined Murgor in 2007. A Metallurgical Technologist by trade, formerly with Alcan for 17 years, she is in charge of office organization and effectiveness in Kingston and for the company at large. She is also largely responsible for inter-office standardization and book-keeping.

    Kathryn Kitney, E.I.T.
    Ms. Kitney is a Geological Engineer, graduate of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. She joined Murgor in 2005 as a summer student and is now on leave while completing a Masters degree also at Queen’s. Murgor is proud to sponsor Kathryn’s research on the Barry Gold Deposit. Ms. Kitney is planning to return to full time employment with Murgor in the spring of 2008.

    Flin Flon, Man.

    Jaysen Johnson, G.I.T., Project Geologist
    Mr. Johnson is a recent graduate from Laurentian University with a B.Sc. (Hons.) in geology. He has two summers experience in the field of mineral exploration which include Cu-Ni-PGE exploration in the Sudbury Basin and gold exploration in the northern Abitibi. Jaysen started with Murgor as a student during the summer of 2006 and joined Murgor full time in the summer of 2007.

    Galen McNamara, G.I.T, Project Geologist
    Mr. McNamara is a recent graduate from Laurentian University with a B.Sc. (hons.) in geology. He has been involved in mineral exploration since 2004. Before joining Murgor in 2007, he has been involved with several other mineral exploration companies at both the greenfields and brownfields levels. Galen’s experience includes exploration for VMS, IOCG, Ni-Cu-PGE and Au-Cu deposits in Canada.

    Laura Spring, Administrative Assistant
    Ms. Spring joined Murgor in 2007 after three years of service with Major Drilling in Flin Flon. She is in charge of office organization and effectiveness in Flin Flon and acts as property manager for the company’s Manitoba and Saskatchewan properties.

Broker Fact Sheet

  • MGR Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
    Fact sheet details
Murgor Resources
133,960,796 FD July 15, 2011
Metals & Minerals
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