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Re: 8-K
about 11 years ago
in response to clos22's message

Funny how MNKD didn't have to call out "analysts" by name. Everyone on the message boards knew fully well who they were talking about. I still like George Rho's commentary on SA best: "Who is S.S, anyway?"

What irks me is that any player calling themselves an investment house or analyst who issues a commentary on a stock can get visibility on the Google Finance Board. I'd LOVE to see Google create some credible criteria for posting anlyses, and I'd like it even better if a few of the manipulators were toasted (or at least investigated) by the SEC. Barring that, I'd love it if some frequent and widely known manipulators and hedge funds got burned for shorting a stock and then attempting to drive down the stock price through questionable "analysis". Unfortunately, as with all pathological manipulators, such firms are careful to push it to the edge without leaving the gray area

Anyone anywhere can question the validity of a study, and for the uninformed, or those with an agenda, they can simply refer to missing data. If they really knew something about research, they'd realize that this is why there are probability tables. Nothing is certain on the basis of one study, but as evidence mounts, confidence grows. I'll guess that MNKD has more credible scientists on their staff than some of the firms posting informed analysis.

I also like the confirmation that if an investment firm is going to risk $160M, they will do some careful vetting before they proceed. It's easy to overlook the obvious in the noise created by the manipulators, particular when their FUD is working to drive down SP.

What drives me crazy about this market is that retail investors are ALWAYS at a disadvantage because stocks with relatively low institutional ownership are vulnerable to manipulation(IMO).


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