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Lets work from the assumption that the percentage of poulation that is type 1&2 diabetic is not disimilar between differing nations.We will use the US population as our comparison population.
US Population (Pop) 300M
US Diabetic Population Type 1 (dPop1) 3M = 1%(dPop1%)
US Diabetic Population Type 2 (dPop2) 27M = 9%(dPop2%)
US Diabetic Population (dPop12) 30M = 10%(dPop12%)
Size of Order (SO) 200M
Annual Cost per Treatment (ACT) =2000
(SO/ACT) * 1/(Pop/dPop) = OCP

(200,000,000 / 2000) = 100,000 * 1/0.1 = 1,000,000 (Other Country Population) dPop12

(200,000,000 / 2000) = 100,000 * 1/0.01 = 10,000,000 (Other Country Population) dPop1

Compare your number against following table to determine your guestimate of which conntry it was form the table below from the people at:

1 Yr Supply Type 1
2 Yrs Supply Type 1
3+ Yrs Supply Type 1
Previously Suggested
Prevalence of Type 1
Estimated Used
Monaco 400 32,270
Liechtenstein 410 33,436
Belize 3410 272,945
Iceland 3670 293,966
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5090 407,608
Macau s.a.r. 5560 445,286
Luxembourg 5780 462,690
East Timor 12,740 1,019,252
Swaziland 14,610 1,169,241
Czech Republic 15,570 10,246,178
Gaza strip 16,560 1,324,991
Estonia 16,770 1,341,664
Botswana 20,490 1,639,231
Slovenia 25,140 201,147
Macedonia 25,500 2,040,085
Bhutan 27,310 2,185,569
Kuwait 28,210 2,257,549
Latvia 28,820 2,306,306
West Bank 28,890 2,311,204
United Arab Emirates 31,540 2,523,915
Mongolia 34,390 2,751,314
Wales 36,470 2,918,000
Congo Brazzaville 37,470 2,998,040
Liberia 42,380 3,390,635
Albania 44,310 3,544,808
Lithuania 45,090 3,607,899
Zimbabwe 45,890 12,671,860
Central African Republic 46,780 3,742,482
Lebanon 47,210 3,777,218
Puerto Rico 48,720 3,897,960
Ireland 49,610 3,969,558
New Zealand 49,920 3,993,817
Singapore 54,420 4,353,893
Croatia 56,210 4,496,869
Georgia 58,670 4,693,892
Finland 65,180 5,214,512
Nicaragua 66,990 5,359,759
Denmark 67,660 5,413,392
Papua New Guinea 67,750 5,420,280
Slovakia 67,790 5,423,567
Jordan 70,140 5,611,202
Libya 70,390 5,631,585
Sierra leone 73,540 5,883,889
Laos 75,850 6,068,117
Paraguay 77,390 6,191,368
Israel 77,480 6,199,008
Hong Kong s.a.r. 85,680 6,855,125
Tajikistan 87,640 701,156
Switzerland 93,130 7,450,867
Bulgaria 93,970 7,517,973
Azerbaijan 98,350 7,868,385
Austria 102,180 8,174,762
Rwanda 102,980 8,238,673
Somalia 103,800 8,304,601
Sweden 112,330 8,986,400
Chad 119,230 9,538,544
Hungary 125,400 10,032,375
Belarus 128,880 10,310,520
Belgium 129,350 10,348,276
Portugal 131,550 10,524,145
Greece 133,090 10,647,529
Serbia and Montenegro 135,320 10,825,900
Senegal 135,650 10,852,147
Angola 137,230 10,978,552
Zambia 137,820 11,025,690
Niger 142,000 11,360,538
Guatemala 178,500 14,280,596
Kazakhstan 189,290 15,143,704
Chile 197,790 15,823,957
Netherlands (Holland) 203,970 16,318,199
Nigeria 221,870 125,750,356
Syria 225,210 18,016,874
Sri Lanka 248,810 19,905,165
Australia 248,910 19,913,144
Yemen 250,310 20,024,867
Ghana 259,460 20,757,032
Romania 279,440 22,355,551
North Korea 283,710 22,697,553
Taiwan 284,370 22,749,838
Malaysia 294,030 23,522,482
Venezuela 312,710 25,017,387
Iraq 317,180 25,374,691
Saudi Arabia 322,440 25,795,938
Uganda 329,870 26,390,258
Uzbekistan 330,130 26,410,416
Peru 344,300 27,544,305
Afghanistan 356,420 28,513,677
Canada 406,340 32,507,874
Kenya 412,270 32,982,109
Tanzania 450,880 36,070,799
Poland 482,820 38,626,349
Sudan 489,350 39,148,162
Spain 503,500 40,280,780
Colombia 528,880 42,310,775
South Africa 555,600 44,448,470
Ukraine 596,650 47,732,079
South Korea 602,920 48,233,760
Italy 725,710 58,057,477
Congo kinshasa 728,960 58,317,030
Britain (United Kingdom) 753,380 6,027,071 for UK2
United Kingdom 753,380 60,270,708
France 755,300 60,424,213
Thailand 810,810 64,865,523
Iran 843,790 67,503,205
Turkey 861,170 68,893,918
Ethiopia 891,700 71,336,571
Egypt 951,460 76,117,421
Germany 1,030,300 82,424,609
Vietnam 1,033,280 82,662,800
Philippines 1,078,020 86,241,697
Mexico 1,311,990 104,959,594
Japan 1,591,660 127,333,002
Bangladesh 1,766,750 141,340,476
Russia 1,799,670 143,974,059
Pakistan 1,989,950 159,196,336
Brazil 2,301,260 184,101,109
Indonesia 2,980,660 238,452,952
USA 3670690 293,655,405
India 13,313,380 1,065,070,607
China 16,235,590 1,298,847,624
About extrapolations of prevalence and incidence statistics for Type 1 diabetes:

WARNING! EXTRAPOLATED STATISTICS ONLY! Not based on data sources from individual countries. These statistics are calculated extrapolations of various prevalence or incidence rates against the populations of a particular country or region. The statistics used for prevalence/incidence of Type 1 diabetes are typically based on US, UK, Canadian or Australian prevalence or incidence statistics, which are then extrapolated using only the population of the other country. This extrapolation calculation is automated and does not take into account any genetic, cultural, environmental, social, racial or other differences across the various countries and regions for which the extrapolated Type 1 diabetes statistics below refer to. The extrapolation does not use data sources or statistics about any country other than its population. As such, these extrapolations may be highly inaccurate (especially for developing or third-world countries) and only give a general indication (or even a meaningless indication) as to the actual prevalence or incidence of Type 1 diabetes in that region. These statistics are presented only in the hope that they may be interesting to some people.

Let the festivies begin,


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