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in response to BobW's message

good post, bob. couple things.

"Dr. Jay Skyler, a leading diabetologist has opined that Afrezza may therefore slow and perhaps can stop pancreatic burn-out and thus may slow or stop the progression of type 2 diabetes".

i agree with this statement. however, that is not the same as reversal and that was my argument. in addition, the third link details a nonrandomized nonblinded study of 11 folks or something for 8 weeks. you can't make much of a study with that degree of power.

the third link was the most relevant to the discussion. i don't doubt that there can be a regression of type 2 DM- we see that often in people who have undergone bariatric surgery or who have significantly changed their dietary and physical routines for the healthier. but let's be very clear: slowing or halting the progression of DM2 is different than reversing of the disease. it's jumping to a conclusion. what i'm saying is let's not make outrageous statements. i agree it's not "outrageous" to most people to hear that. but to an endocrinologist and to a lesser degree, a regular MD/DO, it's too much of a stretch and i just don't think it's necessary to "go there" right now. it's enough to just say afrezza may halt the progression of the disease. if it does, that's great and we all win and diabetics win and the world is a better place. but don't say reversal yet because (IMO) it makes us sound like we are so optimistic about afrezza that we are willing to believe anything, and that it also cures cancer and ugliness, etc.

btw bob, i don't mean to be taking an opposing side to you lately. you have far more insight into this company and stock than i do and that will reamain indisputable. afrezza may be found to reverse dm2 (i hope it does and it's possible). let's just focus on non inferiority dashed with superiority for now.

since we're on the topic, al also said in his opening that the cough from afrezza was insignificant and similar to the transient cough a young man might experience after dabbling in his first cigarette. c'mon al don't say that :). we know what you mean, but people are already a little apprehensive about pulmonary side effects so don't feed the naysayers any more than we have to, ya know? anyway bob, obviously i'm sold on afrezza. more than 90% of my portfolio is afrezza. i believe in it. haven't seen enough though to justify far reaching statements like reversing dm2.


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