Kinross Gold

DELIVERING DISCIPLINED GROWTH Third largest primary Gold Producer in North America
Re: Kinross Value
over 13 years ago
in response to boberator's message

I have asked my self over & over again ,what does the big picture look like.I am from the Aurilian suckers that was very disappointed with how Kinross bought us out so cheap.I remember at the time they were prodicting Kinross should be worth 56 dollars within 2 years.I thought at the time I could live with that.Well change the 5 to a 1 & change the 6 to a 5 & here we are.It's got so bad that I told the wife every time I hear Tye speak , our shares go down.Low & behold he spoke & here we are.Even announcing the dividend at the same time as their earnings should have aroused suspicion.Listening to different analysts about Kinross I would agree that now is not the time to sell your stocks.Sure would like to know what to do with my warrants.I heard one analyst say they loved Kinross,they owned alot of Redback but do not own too much Kinross .I wish I was that happy when they bought Aurilian.I know some of you are on the Club 300 board. There are some good old guys from the Aurilian days there giving their honest opinions .Remember Safeharbour.He boughtt VEN on the advice of Buckshot ,which he claimed at the time greatly helped him finance the boat he is floating on in the Carribean.He also bought ATC & loves that one too.Here I am still holding a great percent of my portfollio in Kinross.If & when they get their stock price up I will be slowly pulling out of Kinross for I believe that the grass is definitly greener on the other side of the fence.

I am going to the Mining Conference at the Toronto Convention Center in March.Kinross has a booth there.Didn't think they would be brave enough to have one this year.We are going on Monday , because people from the Equador Government will be speaking there.We do have other interests to motivate us to go to the conference.

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