Kaminak Gold's Profile

Kaminak Gold Corporation The company has an extensive portfolio of discovery-stage projects that offer world-class exploration potential and present exposure to strategic commodities with an emphasis on gold across North America.

Kaminak Gold Corporation, TSX.V : KAM, is an opportunity focused prospect generator.

Kaminak's technical strength and entrepreneurial drive is complemented by a proven, successful business model designed to create shareholder value.

Kaminak's business model employs a joint venture strategy that exposes Kaminak shareholders to multiple opportunities for discovery. Kaminak projects offer world-class exploration potential and present exposure to strategic commodities with an emphasis on gold.

OBJECTIVE: Expose our shareholders to multiple opportunities for discovery while minimizing exploration risk!

Early-stage projects have the potential to expose our shareholders to the “Discovery Stage” – the most profitable stage of exploration and mining for an investor.

  • Kaminak is opportunity driven. We generate projects that create shareholder value, and we are not restricted by commodity type or provincial region.
  • Low cost (in-house) project generation

PART II: Joint Venture Philosophy

  • Form strategic partnerships to advance the project
  • Project partner spends their money to advance the project in order to earn an interest in the project
  • Advantages of the Joint Venture Philosophy
    • Allows Kaminak to generate and advance multiple projects
    • More opportunities for discovery
    • Minimizes exploration risk
    • Preserves Kaminak’s capital and corporate structure


Uranium Spin-out Complete

  • Created and designed a new uranium spin-out company, Kivalliq Energy Corporation (KIV: TSX-V) to reward the Kaminak shareholder by giving them Kivalliq shares at no additional cost.
  • A landmark partnership between Kaminak and the Inuit of Nunavut resulted in Kaminak being awarded the right to explore and advance the historic, high-grade, near surface Lac Cinquante Uranium Deposit which is reported to contain 11.6 million pounds of uranium oxide (non compliant with National Instrument 43-101)** with an average grade of 1.03% U3O8. This asset and Kaminak’s other uranium assets were spun-out into a new, uranium exploration and development company called Kivalliq Energy Corporation. Kaminak and now Kivalliq, is the first company in Canada to sign a comprehensive agreement to explore on Inuit lands for uranium.
  • Kaminak owns and controls 3,646,753 common shares of Kivalliq, representing approximately 12.6% of the issued common shares of Kivalliq.

Effectively leveraged Kaminak’s technical talent and money to create multiple discovery opportunities

  • 9 Joint Ventures
  • 8 Strategic Project Acquisitions

Preserved Corporate Structure

  • $6.6 million in working capital
  • Last financing was in March 2006
  • Monthly burn rate approx. $75,000
  • No outstanding warrants

The Discovery Group is an alliance of seven companies led by some of the brightest minds in the mineral exploration industry.


Last changed at 09-Oct-2015 03:02PM by Moneytospend

Management & Directors

  • Managemenrt

    & Directors

    Robert L. Carpenter, Ph.D., P. Geo., President and CEO, Director

    Dr. Carpenter is one of the founders behind Kaminak and is a practicing professional geologist. He has been involved in all aspects of precious and base metal exploration for over 16 years. Dr. Carpenter has more than ten years of experience with BHP-Billiton Ltd., Placer Dome Inc., and WMC Resources Ltd., focusing primarily on early stage exploration projects throughout Canada, Australia and the United States. While with WMC Resources Ltd., he spent time on gold and nickel projects throughout North America. More recently, he spent three years with the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs of Canada. He was responsible for evaluating technical reports submitted on mineral claims, prospecting permits and mining leases as required under the Canada Mining Regulations and recommend their approval/rejection based on compliance. After his federal government employment, Dr. Carpenter served as Senior Exploration Geologist for Committee Bay Resources Ltd. and the Hunter Exploration Group for two years. Dr. Carpenter obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario and completed his Ph.D. thesis on the regional geological setting of the Meliadine Lake gold deposits located near Rankin Inlet, Nunavut. Dr. Carpenter is certified by the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (P. Geo) and is also a Director of Brilliant Mining Corp. (BMC: TSXV).

    John Robins, P.Geo., Chairman, Director

    Mr. Robins is one of the founders of Kaminak and has served other successful TSX and TSXV listed companies. John is a professional geologist and registered member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.

    Charles Chebry, B.Sc., CMA, CFO, Director

    Mr. Chebry is an independent business consultant. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Alberta and is a Certified Management Accountant. Mr. Chebry became President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Cedar Mountain Exploration Inc. in January 2007. He was Chief Financial Officer, Vice President of Finance and a Director of Olympia Financial Group Inc. (OLY:TSXV), from March 1997 to December 2006 and remains a Director. Mr. Chebry served as the Vice President Finance, Chief Financial Officer and a Director of Olympia Trust Company from April 1999 to December 2006 and remains a Director. Mr. Chebry also served as the Vice President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer and a Director of Eyelogic Systems Inc. (EYE.A:TSXV), an automated eyesight testing company, from April 1998 to December 2006 and remains a Director. Mr. Chebry has been a Director of Committee Bay Resources Inc., (CBR:TSXV), since July 2002 and served as President and founder of its predecessor company Arta Enterprises Inc. from December 2000 to July 2002. Mr. Chebry has also been the President of CC Management Inc. from March 1997 to date, a management services company.

    Sean Mager, B.Com., Director

    Mr. Mager is a graduate of the University of Alberta School of Business and has spent fifteen years in private and public management and consulting, including six years in Canada’s Northwest Territories. His northern experience includes serving as COO for an aboriginal investment corporation and as the lead Financial Management Analyst for the industry portfolio of the territorial government. From 1998 to 2000, Mr. Mager was the VP Corporate Development for a TSXV-listed logistics firm serving northern mining clients such as BHP's Ekati diamond mine and Cumberland Resources' Meadowbank gold project. Since 2000, he has applied his expertise in corporate and northern affairs to the development and governance of junior mining and mineral exploration companies. Presently, Mr. Mager is the CFO and a Director of both Brilliant Mining Corporation (BMC:TSXV) and Committee Bay Resources (CBR:TSXV) and he also serves as a Director of Indicator Minerals Inc. (IME:TSXV).

    John Williamson, P.Geol., Director

    Mr. Williamson is a professional geologist registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA). He is also a Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada and Member of both the Society of Economic Geologists and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (CIM). Mr. Williamson is one of the founders behind Kaminak and has 18 years of experience in conducting mineral exploration and development, mining, project management, property evaluations, geoscientific and environmental studies throughout Canada, South America, Russia and Western Australia. His exploration and production experience includes precious metals (Au, Ag, PGE), base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mo), diamonds and aggregate deposits.

    Mr. Williamson has applied technical methodologies to conceptualize and advance many grass roots projects as well as develop a number of significant advanced exploration projects, including production phases. Mr. Williamson has also been instrumental in acquiring venture capital for these companies, and has been directly involved with raising over $30,000,000 for several of these public companies through private placements, prospectus offerings and initial public offerings.

    Craig S. Finnigan, Ph.D, Chief Geologist

    Dr. Finnigan has over 12 years of experience in mineral exploration, regional mapping and geological research. Over the course of his career, he has explored for both base and precious minerals working for WMC Resources Ltd., Teck-Cominco Limited and as an independent consultant. His work and research have taken him extensively throughout Canada, Alaska, Wyoming, and South Africa. Craig completed a Masters degree at the University of Western Ontario as part of the Geological Survey of Canada’s EXTECH III initiative devoted to making new gold discoveries in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt. His Ph.D thesis was completed at the University of Toronto and his research focused on understanding the geochemical behavior of the platinum group elements in igneous systems and particularly how these elements become concentrated in layered mafic intrusions. Craig is currently focused on developing and evaluating mineral exploration opportunities for Kaminak throughout Canada.

    Advisory Board

    David A. Caulfield, B. Sc., P.Geo.

    Mr. Caulfield serves as the President and CEO of Rimfire Minerals Corporation, an established mineral exploration company focusing on project generation. Prior to Rimfire, he was the co-founder and President of Equity Engineering Ltd., a privately held geological consulting firm. Mr. Caulfield currently serves as the 2005 Past President of the Association for Mineral Exploration of British Columbia (AME BC), a non-profit association that advocates a healthy and environmentally sound exploration and mining sector in British Columbia.

    Brent Cook, B. Sc.

    Mr. Cook is a renowned Exploration Analyst and Geologist currently providing independent analysis to funds and private investors. He has devoted over twenty-five years to the exploration, evaluation and development of mineral properties located in over 50 countries. His experience spans all aspects of the mining business, from the conceptual stage through detailed technical assessments and financial modeling.

    Jim Dawson, M.Sc., P.Eng.

    Mr. Dawson is a registered professional engineer with 40 years of hands-on fieldwork experience examining, exploring and evaluating a wide range of geological and mineralized settings around the globe. As a partner with Kerr, Dawson & Associates Ltd. 1972-1985, Mr. Dawson participated in the discovery of the Blackdome Mine, Frasergold and Taurus Properties in British Columbia and the Big Horn Mine in Arizona. For the past 20 years, as President of Dawson Geological Consultants Ltd., Mr. Dawson has been involved in the exploration and evaluation of mineral properties worldwide.

    Norman Duke, Ph.D., P.Geo.

    Dr. Duke has accumulated over 40 years field experience while working with various exploration, mining, and consulting companies including Callaghan Mining Corp., Resource Associates of Alaska, Cominco (now Teck Cominco), Inco Ltd., Nerco Minerals Company, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, and Apex Geoscience Ltd. Dr. Duke was involved in the discovery of the massive sulphide and lode gold deposits in the Delta District, Eastern Alaska Range and also in the discovery of Fortune Minerals NICO IOCG deposit in the Southern Bear Province. In addition to being an active exploration geologist, Dr. Duke has been a Professor of Economic Geology in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Western Ontario since 1983.

    Peter Kleespies, M.Sc, P.Geol.

    Mr. Kleespies is a Professional Geologist registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) and has 18 years experience in exploration geology for both precious and base metals in North and South America, and Australia. He worked for both junior and senior companies, including BHP, Metallic Resources and Miramar Mining Corporation on a broad range of exploration projects including the High Lake and Hope Bay Greenstone Belts in the Slave Province, Proterozoic aged greenstones both in Canada and Venezuela, and younger intrusion related deposits within poly-deformed carbonate terrains in Mexico and Canada. His expertise ranges from conceptual project generation, grassroots exploration, large-scale surface and underground drill programs, deposit modeling and resource estimation. Mr. Kleespies has demonstrated the application of sound technical principles and ability to integrate complex geological, geochemical and geophysical datasets in the search for, and delineation of economically viable mineral deposits. Mr. Kleespies formerly managed exploration projects at Hope Bay for Miramar Mining Corporation and is currently Vice President of Exploration for Committee Bay Resources Ltd. (CBR:TSXV). Mr. Kleespies has a Bachelor of Science (Hon. Geology) and Master of Science (Geology) from the University of Alberta.

    Dean McDonald, Ph.D., P.Geo.

    Dr. McDonald is experienced in all aspects of mineral exploration from grass roots programs through to feasibility studies, ore reserve estimations and has experience in operations. Presently, he is working with Hecla Mining Company as Senior Vice President – Exploration and prior to that Dr. McDonald was Vice President Exploration and Business Development for Committee Bay Resource Ltd. Dr. McDonald was also the former Exploration Manager for Miramar Mining Corporation where he was responsible for managing exploration and development drill programs at the Hope Bay project, one of the largest exploration programs in Canada from 2000 to 2003. Dr. McDonald has also worked in exploration and mining operations for several major and junior mining companies including Nerco Minerals, Westmin Resources, BP Minerals, BHP-Billiton and Noranda Minerals. Dr. McDonald obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree from McMaster University in 1981 and completed a Master's in Economic Geology on Base metal deposits at the University of New Brunswick in 1984. He completed a PhD in Mineral Deposits Geology at the University of Western Ontario in 1990.

    Jim Mungall, Ph.D., P.Eng

    Dr. Mungall is an active geologist who obtained his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from McGill University and throughout his academic career has received numerous research awards and grants. Dr. Mungall is an associate Professor of Geology at the University of Toronto and is a registered member of the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario. Since becoming a professor, Dr. Mungall has been deeply involved in work on Sudbury ore deposits belonging to INCO, Falconbridge and FNX Mining and continues to do research regarding the origins of magmatic sulfide ores. Jim was the editor and a contributor to the book Exploration for Platinum-Group Element Deposits, published by the Mineralogical Association of Canada, and is a member of the Editorial Board of Economic Geology. He has also served as an Associate Editor of The Canadian Mineralogist for six years, is on the Advisory Board of Elements, and edited a Thematic Issue of Canadian Mineralogist on PGE deposits. Jim is a leader of IGCP Project 479 Sustainable Use of the PGE in the 21st Century, a group of more than 75 international scientists devoted to the study of PGE geochemistry, geology, and mineralogy.

    Pamela D. Strand, M.Sc., P. Geol.

    Ms. Strand obtained a B.Sc. (Geology) from the University of Toronto in 1988 and a M.Sc. from the University of Western Ontario in 1993. Since December 1997, she has been President and CEO of Shear Minerals Ltd. (SRM:TSXV), a successful diamond exploration company. Since the completion or Shear’s reorganization, whereby it spun-out the shares of Kaminak Gold Corporation to holders of Shear common shares, Ms. Strand has served as a Director for Kaminak and has had an integral role in the Company’s public launch and growth. She will continue to work with Kaminak in the role of a Technical Advisor. Prior to Shear, Ms. Strand held the position of District Geologist with the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in Yellowknife, NWT and has over 10 years of geological industry-related experience predominately in exploration in Canada’s North. Ms. Strand is a Professional Geologist with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (“APEGGA”) and the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories (and Nunavut). She is Past President of the Edmonton Geological Society and a Director of the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines. Ms. Strand volunteers for the APEGGA Student Outreach Program and has been a past member (including one year as Chairperson) for the Student Liaison Committee. Ms. Strand is also a Director of Piper Capital Inc. (PCL:TSXV) and of Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV:TSXV).

Broker Fact Sheet

  • KAM Broker Fact Sheet
    Thu Mar 29, 2019
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Kaminak Gold
88.7 M FD - Oct 2012
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