KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to bananaboy's message

I wouldn't be surprised if IROC had a problem with the last NR by KWG....perhaps he (Moe) stepped on some toes with the wording of that release..

from my reading of the NR it is implying that "We (KWG) are aware that we are not supposed to provide valuations for mineral deposits that do not have Measured Reserves (i.e for which a Feasibilty Study  has been  undertaken that  has proven economic viability ). ...We didn't actually publically disclose this number, but a third party did  (The Globe and Mail). Regardless  we disagree with their hypothetical "in situ  value" as it should be 50% higher.".... So Mo is actually inferring the endorsement of  this value/method of valuation (despite it being erroneous by its undervaluation)   by stating that a third party has disclosed this value

..So in a sense it may be that he is playing word games/semantics, and perhaps following the letter of the law , but not really the spirit ....BUT I would be surprised if thety were actually calling him out on that  as I suspect much more flagrant violations have gone unchallenged in the TSX-V markets/IROC.

To me it's a valid challenge by Moe. If Resource companies have to abide by laws which restrict them from reporting "in situ " values of deposits, then , other public sources (i.e newspapers) should be held to the same degree of accountability (i.e they shouldn't be able to lowball OR highball the "in situ" value of a deposit, without firmly/clearly  explaining the limitations of such a valuation method.

The Globe in Mail article did note " However, the $60-billion value or even the $31-billion figure does not take into account whether the deposit is economical to mine."




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