KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to Keep Digging's message

If the 300 share block had to be put together with the existing shares the 1 share price would go up as big entities bought them to make a 300 share which they then could margin or buy by law. In the circular proposal they will not have to buy existing shares to make a 300 share because kwg wants to create new unlimited 300 shares they can sell to the big corporations. This new 300 share unlimited offering will cause without doubt dilution. The 300 share could be brought to reality not by creating unlimited new 300 shares but by allowing big funds to gather existing 1 shares to make a 300 share. No dilution in this way only raising the 1 share price as the big funds gather the 1 shares to make a 300 share. As for juniors with REAL ore bodies whose share prices have risen dramatically without this circular kind of unlimited shares that will cause dilution just check MOUNTAIN PROVINCE DIAMONDS whose shares were in the teens and when the big boys came to buy their shares went from pennies to over SIX DOLLARS. MPV also got a 49% partnership out of the deal. Their mine life for profit is a far cry from kwg's 100 year+ probability. As for credibilities check background checks through the Security And Exchange Commission and TSX exchange. Due your own due dilligence. How we go forward here is up to the existing share holders now, not when the big funds get their hooks into kwg.

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KWG Resources Inc.
1,140,494,718 FD, Aug 20/16
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