KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to Keep Digging's message

You were close. Fsdi lost a project in Mexico. The engineers are costing out every part of the rail as we speak. You are right about the natives. The Chinese were told by the Toronto Chinese counsulate to be careful with this rail project until the indian problem is taken care of. I believe Frank just accomplished this. Ontario Northland Railroad was approached by the engineers to contract the maintenance of the newly created railroad. Onr was extremely receptive . Canadian National railroad was approached to cart the ore from mine site to ships in Montreal. CN was interested to say the least and only wanted to know How often and how many tons. CN was impressed when told , all year long and between 2 to 3 million metric tons per year. A tidbit for you is this: The Chinese steel company behind all this is Baosteel. Remember they have first right of refusal on any of Noront's ores. They also want the use of kwg patent as they have already tried it and tweaked it some more. They say it will save the equivalent amount of hydro used by the country of Italy in a year every year. A huge savings using the gas patent. The Chinese use 60% of all the chromite mined every year. When they make a deal with kwg they will effectively have consolidated most of the ring. Noront first right of refusal on 70% of ring land staked and probably off-take or partnership with kwg the second biggest land holder in the ring. Then fait accomple. An under the radar consolidation of most of the ring of fire and out from under the European mining companies dictating price, amount and delivery of chromite. To make stainless steel you need chromite, nickle and guess what, iron ore. A very large iron or deposit has been found just south of the ring. Tickers NDR and RXM. Dime and Rockex. Remember that the Chinese put a man on the board of Noront. He's not talking. I think Al Coutts has no clue about what is about to happen. Either does RCF or Franco Nevada. The Chinese will go through with this as no one will dictate to them. Not kwg, noront, rcf or franco Nevada. Kwg shares will soar, as well as other ring companies. Don't forget kwg share price will eventually include a mine and a reduction plant. What will thier shares be worth then? What will the share price rise to in the mean time when the native and rail agreements come to contract? Ask yourself this: Who is going to build and commit TWO BILLION DOLLARS to a rail without getting the benefits of the ores that will become available. OH there will be agreements, contracts and they will happen before the chinese timeline they announced at the Development Corporation of Ontario. They said the engineering study would be finished in four months time and 60 days later the People's Bank of China would announce complete funding of the railroad. I think we "got it right " this time... I'm excited, are you?

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KWG Resources Inc.
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