KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.

Mining Industry
Oral Questions

2:50 p.m.


Claude Gravelle Nickel Belt, ON

Mr. Speaker, a number of mining companies have projects that would create excellent jobs here in Canada and that are also environmentally friendly.

Unfortunately, the Conservative government is doing nothing to help them. The president and chief executive officer of the Mining Association of Canada called out the government for ignoring its duty to consult with first nations. He even said that his organization consults first nations more than the government.

Why is the government undermining the efforts of developers and why does it not do more to help them get their projects off the ground?

Mining Industry
Oral Questions

2:50 p.m.



Greg Rickford Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario

Mr. Speaker, Canada is recognized as a world leader in promoting transparency and accountability in the extractive industry and around the world.

This legislation sets fair rules for companies that operate in Canada and abroad, minimizes uncertainty over investments and strengthens the integrity of Canadian extractive companies.

Mining Industry
Oral Questions

2:50 p.m.


Claude Gravelle Nickel Belt, ON

Mr. Speaker, sustainable development of our resources can grow our economy while protecting the environment, but the Conservatives keep dropping the ball.

The Mining Association of Canada is calling out the Conservatives for ignoring their duty to consult with first nations. In fact, the CEO said, “I think we are doing more of the consulting than they are”.

When will the Conservatives stop ignoring the potential of sustainable development? When will they stop ignoring their duty to consult and start living up to their responsibilities?

Mining Industry
Oral Questions

May 4th, 2015 / 2:50 p.m.



Greg Rickford Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario

Mr. Speaker, I have two quick points. First, we have undertaken extensive engagement with aboriginal communities during roundtable sessions across the country, specifically around the extractive sector, in mining. In fact, this year alone, we have engaged 83 aboriginal organizations through these sessions.

This is in addition to numerous meetings that have occurred in years prior. Legislation establishes a level playing field for companies, domestically and abroad, and aboriginal consultation has been important.

That aside, everything we do for mining, that member votes against, and people in northwestern Ontario, in particular, Ring of Fire, all told, they know he votes against them.

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Laura Brown
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