KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to luker's message

Mo Lavigne, KWG Resources vice-president of exploration and development, was a panelist at a Ring of Fire discussion hosted by the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Tuesday. He responded to Clement’s statement, telling reporters after the event that the idea of current commodity prices negatively affecting development is misguided.

“He’s really regurgitating a narrative that’s totally incorrect,” lavigne said. “For chromium and nickel this is exactly the right time to be developing the Ring of Fire.

“We can quibble about whether it’s an F or an F-minus but the message is still the same that we need to advance the Ring of Fire and we need a plan,” Lavigne said. “Without a plan there’s really no framework for us to proceed.”

A plan is vital for bigger investors to come in and help provide an injection of capital to companies like KWG and Noront.

“Eventually investors and the market lose interest in a project if the project is not moving forward,” Lavigne said.

“We can’t develop a plan that will put a timeline on when investors will get a return on their investment. Without a return on their investment nobody is going to part billions of dollars into this project.”

"The lack of investment is not due to lack of potential."

A "narative that is totally incorrect" and "invstors need a plan".

Thanks Moe for saying it the way it is!

And who is it that doesn't get it? Politicians.

Should we be surprised?

And who is it that should have had a plan long ago?

Would that be (no) Wynne and here band of incompetents?

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