KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
Agorocom & OSC
almost 14 years ago

Much discussion is taking place on various Agoro hubs regarding the plea bargain reached by 2 Agoro members and the OSC. Hub leaders are resigning and asking to have their names deleted from AG, etc. I would like to offer, for what it is worth, my opinion on the issue.

This whole situation came as a complete shock to me last year when it first surfaced. I was angry as were a lot of other posters. This should never have occurred, but it did and we all have to move forward from here. Much mention is being made that all should do their own DD but many members relied on these hubs to give them legitimate information so a real sense of betrayal was experienced when they discovered many senior posters were not who they led people to believe they were. Many hub leaders, Presidents, etc. disappeared overnight. A real bond of trust was broken and I am sure the survivors all learned a very valuable lesson and not take your opinions, positions in shares, etc. on someone posting on this site. Anyway, what happened, happened and where do we go from here?

I am a member of Stockhouse and have been since 2003 and post under oma1. That site is a circus and I reported many posts over the years and I believe, only once did they not remove a post I drew to their attention. The tone and respect for other posters there is non-existent and just look in for a short while and you will see what I mean. A lot of our senior posters gravitated to Tradingchief after this was discovered and many there had a field day condemming Agorocom and you can still find much" Joy in Mudville" on TC at the fall from grace re AG from many former AG posters. However,the level of respect shown here to fellow posters, I find very gratifying. We have our share of miscreants, but with the hub leader and violation reporting system, any who persist are dealt with very swiftly for the good of all. This is a free hub with no fees of any kind, and the amount of info you can gather here is invaluable, sure, do your own follow-up and do it very carefully before you commit your hard earned dollars to any venture. I personally have received very good info freely given by pm from many senior posters here when requested, and I hope, have sent out what I feel is good info by pm to others. A valuable lesson has been learned, including the $150,000 fine, (including costs) to two AG leaders along with other very severe sanctions, and I am sure all the remaining "survivors" still here, will benefit much more from remaining on this site, then going out to the wilderness looking for a new home. I plan on staying active here on AG, how about you? rj

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