KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.

Great Meeting Today With MP

posted on Feb 20, 09 06:36PM

Hello all. It's been a very busy couple of weeks for me gathering info and educating myself about the ROF.

Today was an excellent day for me (obviously not because of the market). Griz and I made a great team going into MP Rathbeger's office. From the moment I took my coat off and sat down we were already discussing the ROF. We opened the map and laid it on his desk to look at and he was quite impressed with the activity already in place.

We told him that there were no roads, rail or electricity in place. He stated that there must be some kind of road going into the area and when we told him there wasn't he was quite surprised and said than there should be. We pointed out where winter roads would be and MP Rathbeger stated that winter roads would not be sufficient enough in that environmentand and would be useless in the summer. Permanent roads would be the way to go.

There were some cost analysis done (by Noront) that I showed him and he wanted to know the distances between point of communities and that was highlighted for him on the map to see. He took interest in that.

He started talking about taxes and royalties or something like that and that's when the big GRIZZZZ stepped in and answered all his questions 'cause I don't know squat about that.

Griz spoke quite a bit about the potential in the ROF and Mining in Canada. We spoke about the chromite and the huge potential this base metal has for all of Canada. He was quite intrigued about chromite and wanted to know more so I showed him articles and Griz spoke about Chromite as well.

He asked who the MP for that area was and what do ya know, I pulled out DonyPee's post about MP Bruce Hyer calling him. He read it and said that he will speak to Mr. Hyer in Ottawa next week to help push this initiative through. It is in Mr. Hyer's jurisdiction and Mr. Rathbeger definitely see's something big happening in the ROF.

Mr. Rathbeger will be flying to Ottawa next week and Infratructure in the ROF will be on the board for discussion. We left him plenty (and i mean plenty) of reading information to go through on the plane. He would like to have another meeting in two to three weeks to follow up.

Ladies & Gentleman, it was a crappy day for the market but a great day for the future in the ROF and mining in Canada. My work is done here for now. I want to send a big thank you to GRIZ for coming with me and really helping me out on this. Thanks Griz.

Also thanks to Snug, Donypee, Louise, Miskealp, Helium, RockLicker for sending and providing info for this meeting. If I missed anyone I didn't mean to.


p.s. have you all seen the NR yesterday from Griz (GZD)...hint hint...

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