KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.

Re: Question about: BMK Summer drilling Program 2008

posted on Feb 18, 09 11:34PM

I called Macdonald Mines today and I had the opportunity to speak to Brent from their office.

I had couple of questions for him in regards of an update. I was told that the latest update we got from December was it for now in regards of the drilling. I guess I overlooked a statement in that new release, that said "there was no economic findings in that driiling" I guess that means no more data to be given out on that drilling program.

Next I asked going forward, are you still focussed on James Bay, I was told NO!!

Theire focus is their new propperty that they just bought or optioned (I'm not sure)

The reasoning was it is much cheaper to drill their and that land has same geological signatures and status as James Bay. There fore they can get things their much cheaper.

Next question was, how much money to you have? Answere was "upwards of $6,000,000" So that gave me a good comfort level, that the company is well funded with low burn rates.

Next I mentioned that companies all around our land are finding Crome all over, and how come you are not drilling. I was told, that the company would rather sell that part of land as CLIFF are looking to buy up the whole area and drill it and mine it.

I also was told that the company are in talks with so many companies about buying up land, positoning themselvs nicly when it is time to drill they will have the land and the dollars to drill.

In summary, I had the comfort level, that the company has a game plan and they we excuting their plan.


I own 200,000 shares of BMK at a much much higher price than the current one.

Pleae excuse the spelling mistakes I'm half dead after a 16 hour day at the office.

I just wanted to share what I found out from Brent.

Thans to him, I got couple of things clarified.

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