Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
Inspiration Mining updates on Langmuir Open Pit Nickel Deposit
Thursday, 10 Feb 2011

Inspiration Mining Corporation has announced results from its ongoing infill and detail drilling program at the Langmuir Open Pit Nickel Deposit.

The Langmuir property comprises 69 mining claims covering 1121 hectares in the Langmuir Township, 25 kilometers southeast of Timmins in Ontario. It hosts the majority of the past nickel producing mines of Langmuir No 1 and 2. Two main deposits were drilled and identified by Inspiration Mining on which inferred nickel resources were estimated at 1.7 million tonnes @ 0.51% for Langmuir 1 and 8.3 million tonnes @ 0.4% Ni for Langmuir North deposits (43-101 Micon Report, Jan 2010).

In addition to successfully increasing the resource at Langmuir 1 and Langmuir North, extensive exploration drilling from 2008 through 2010 in the northeast extension of Langmuir 1 deposit has provided the definition of three mineralized zones, corresponding to adjacent stratigraphic ultramafic and mafic NE-trending horizons dipping to the southeast.

L1Extension is the main mineralized zones located 300 meters northeast of the Langmuir 1 deposit. It is mostly hosted in ultramafic and mafic komatiitic flows in contact with underlying intermediate volcanic and intrusive felsic sequences to the NW and contains high grade nickel sulfide intersections.

L1Ramp is a mineralized zone located stratigraphically below the intermediate and felsic sequences immediately underlying the Langmuir1 deposit zone, mostly hosted in intrusive mafic and ultramafic rocks and contains low grade nickel intersections.

Mr Ian Stewart president of Inspiration Mining said that "We have long believed that Langmuir was a world class, high tonnage lower grade Ni deposit much like that of Mt. Keith or the Talvivaara deposit in Finland. It is very encouraging to start to see the data coming in to support our theory of the project. We look forward to aggressively advancing our program and to producing an updated 43-101 report within the next 90 days, which we are confident, will clearly demonstrate the significance of the deposit."

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