Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to whaler's message

I was wrong in saying that Figure 33 Exploration Diamond drill map was from Micon. It was in fact from Kian's 229 page 43-101 that was current until Sept 09

As per the Exploration drilling programs and the realted IMCEX numbers here is a cut and paste from page 114/115 of the same document


Inspiration commenced their evaluation of additional exploration targets in several phases.

As part of Phase 3 of the drill programs, Longyear 37 drill rig from Crites Diamond Drilling was

used to complete 9 NQ diamond drill holes consisting of 2,664.42m were completed to evaluate

several of the previously located basal till nickel geochemical anomalies. This part of the

program commenced on December 11, 2006 and was completed on April 25, 2007.

The diamond drilling of the majority of the targets intersected hanging wall mafic metavolcanics

followed by ultramafic metavolcanics of the Tisdale Group and terminated in intermediate to

felsic pyroclastic metavolcanics of the Deloro group. Sulphide mineralization intersected was

predominately very fine grained pyrtite and pyrrhotite, which contained low grades of nickel

mineralization generally <0.25% Ni.

As part of Phase 4 of the drill programs, Longyear 37 drill rig from Crites Diamond Drilling was

used to complete 3 NQ diamond drill holes at the Langmuir No.2 Mine - South Zone totalling

1,518.37m commenced activities on January 9, 2007 to February 14, 2007.

The lithological units of the South Zone intersected during the diamond drilling programs from

the hanging wall (southeastern portion) to the footwall (northwestern portion) are as follows: the

Tisdale Group consisting of intermediate to mafic metavolcanics (tuffaceous pyroclastics),

metasediments (cherty iron formation), mafic metavolcanics (carbonated amygdaloidal pillow

flows), ultramafic komatiitic metavolcanics (talcose, serpentinized cumulate textured containing

the nickel sulphide mineralization) and the above is underlain by the Deloro Group footwall

intermediate to felsic metavolcanics (tuff to pyroclastic tuff).

The South Zone nickel mineralization is hosted in a medium grained, light to dark olive green,

massive with cumulate textures. The sulphides mineralization is predominately pyrrhotite and

minor magnetite with very finely disseminated millerite and minor pentlandite occur in the

serpentinized komatiitic ultramafics, which is followed by a zone of disseminated and small

blebs of sulphides. The high grade nickel bearing massive sulphides located at the base of the

komatiites containing relics of the tuff and pyroclasitic metavolcanics consists of millerite and/or

pentlandite with minor amounts of chalcopyrite.

Phase 5 of the diamond drill program was conducted with a third Longyear 37 drill rig from

Crites Diamond Drilling. The continuous exploration drilling commenced on April 13, 2008 and

was completed on November 16, 2008 with 48 NQ diamond drill holes totalling 17, 021.12m.

These drill holes were planned to evaluate the remainder of the basal tilt nickel geochemical

anomalies, the ground and airborne geophysical electromagnetic and magnetic anomalies and the

B-Horizon soil Enzyme Leach anomalies.

Appendix H summarizes the Langmuir Property exploration diamond drill hole coordinates and

as illustrated in Figure 33.

During 2009, Inspiration commenced with another phase of diamond drilling contracted to TDrilling

of Timmins, Ontario, equipped with a skid mounted Longyear 37 drill rig.

Five exploration NQ diamond drill holes were completed on the newly acquired patented mining

claims. The drilling commenced on May 19, 2009 and was completed on June 9, 2009 totalling

1,380.63m. These drill holes were designed to follow-up on the results of the diamond drilling

on the Allerston grid completed during 2008. The exploration drill hole coordinates are located

in Appendix I.

A total of 19 NQ diamond drill holes were completed on the Langmuir No. 2 Mine – North Zone

commencing on June 10, 2009 and completed on August 11, 2009 with a total 4,018.75m drilled.

These drill holes were designed to test the northern extension of the magnetic anomaly as

planned in 2008.


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