Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to crustythcln's message

"Hoping the market in general can sustain these levels, and rise. Need nickel price to stay here at least."

To do so, we eventually need news. Nickel pricing is out of our hands and control. We definitley are at the mercy of global trends on that front. The jumps and pops so far are publically unexplained. Buy on rumour ? Sell on news? Fuel for the fire so to speak. Just what is "the market" Can you recall the last time you saw a dog and pony show for ISM? I would say going to PDAC is a plus. One has to admit this stock is definitely far off Joe Publics radar screen. As such, this begs the questions as to who bought in those big volume days and why? Informed buying? Speculative buying? I would say we can really minimize any effect of looking for simple crosslinkage between ISM SP and the recent price of Nickel. IMHO

Yesterdays ISM "news" was nothing I was expecting. Kind of tells me there's more to this story than a simple investment scenario as originally described in most related NR's. We do know that they have sought to call a meeting with UMJ shareholders to look at the possiblity of a new slate of directors.

However I am looking more for a meat and potatoes type NR telling me about what our company is up to wrt the exploration business we are in . News that talks of what we have done, not what we would like to do. We have seen too many NR's that speak of "plans" and not true results/accomplishments. "Mobilizing a drill" is great, now after a certain amount of time tell me next what the drill has done and proved up? That's the next logical step in the supply of informations to investors

....As we trudge along, Jan is now behind us in the Q1 timeframe as we await that updated 43-101 which happens to be at the top of my "most expected list". We do have a new Geologist who has taken the exploration helm for the last year. Hows that year been going for you?

There could be many different possibilities for news developments. How about dewatering at Langmuir? How about further land acquisitions? How about some progress on the MOU's etc with local stakeholders. Is Langmuir still a spin out possibility or has that been shelved?

When does the new President and COO of the Langmuir wing Ian Stewart approach the podium and give us the freshest update on our number one asset (Langmuir aka Metal mines)

Lastly, as much as I like to see the CEO and the President both buying ISM stock at market on the the Insider trading site, I see that as telling me there's nothing big or material about to be announced for a while(aka imminent). We all know insiders cannot be trading the stock if they are sitting on material news or have pending announcements, unless there is a certain amount of time passing between the two occasions....before and/or after. Does anyone know what the timeframe is? I don't off hand

None the less, it was a BUY :) So we shareholders, old and new, all wait in this most recent high 30 cent groove to see what's really cooking. IMHO


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