Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to Surething's message

To All:

Sorry for the delay but it has been an action packed trip. Having a great time but it is sad to see the effect that the downturn has had in Florida. There were some last minute problems getting my son in via proxy as we needed a submission from our brokerage house, but everything worked out fine in the end. However, when there was some doubt as to whether my son could attend Mr. Randy Miller indicated that he would be willing to have lunch with my son after the AGM (via Mark V @ Gale) to discuss ISM. However, when I found out that Mr. Randy Miller was willing to have lunch to discuss ISM, I asked Mark V. if I could have lunch with Mr. Randy Miller late this week or sometime next week to discuss ISM in detail. Mark V is attempting to arrange that lunch which should be finalized later this week. My son did attend the ISM AGM and here were his observations:

- The ISM AGM lasted approximately 30 minutes.

- 3 shareholders attended, of which my son was one of them. Total attendance was approximately 10 people, including ISM management, at the AGM.

- My son specifically asked how ISM was going to increase shareholder value since they rely on share value to purchase at least 50% of the services they require for ISM exploration activities. ISM management responded by saying that they are actively engaged in fulfilling the Micon recommendations in the report and that they are working with Micon to increase the size and grade of the two resources outlined in the Micon report in nearby areas.

- My son, realizing that a later meeting was going to take place, did not want to hold up the AGM and asked only that one question.

- My son did meet both Mr. Randy Miller and Mr. Herbert Brugh. Mr. Brugh gave my son his business card and told him he could call anytime if he had any questions.

As I only talked to my son for a brief time I will talk to him in more detail over the next day or so and post any additional information that may have been overlooked.


P.S. If anyone has any questions for my son regarding the AGM I would be happy to get those answers.

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