Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to whaler's message

WRT your request for a list of questions, I don't really know how much more I can do in terms of itemizing and prioritizing? I simply put it out there and hoped others would chime in and then ultimatley you would decide on what was important, especially given that you had the results from your "investor survey"?

Of course there are the other questions brought up by others posters ie: Tantallon asking about NSR's and Nickel77 asking about Boundary issues that may impeed ISM's ablility to fully open pit mine to a great extent at locations mentioned.

So I will re-arrange my questions from that first list in terms of my own personal importance and interest, had I been there to ask them. I have also asked another question (11)

Langmuir/Micon related questions:

1) Are they drilling now at Langmuir?....if so how many rigs?

2) Are they committed to following through on Micon recommendations, as it has been 4 months since the report came out and we have not heard anything to say they are?

Metal Mines Spin out questions:

10) Last question off the top of my head, after a dissappointing Micon report, the "spin out" is widely being viewed by the investing community as an attempt by ISM to shed a "worthless" property and divest itself of it's future exploration committments at Langmuir, which was/is the company's biggest asset. Can somone ask what Mr. Miller thinks of that possible market sentiment and can he comment further on the spin out's intent as it relates to unlocking shareholder value.

6) If the Metal Mines spin out is successful, what does that do to ISM's previously stated committment to follow through on Micon drilling recommendations?

7) If the MM spin off is successful, how much cash will be given to MM for working capital?

8) Will we see some outside blood head the new spin out or will we see any of the present ISM management as leadership there as well?

General ISM business:

3) WRT the 6 million dollar "short term loan" to another company, can they name the company and if not, why? Has the short term loan been re-paid and if not, when?

5) Where are we at WRT the dewatering permitting process for Langmuir and why is this process taking many many years to progress?

9) Why were there no details wrt to the low grade ore's economics at L1? SGS did a met study on LN, but not L1 and it seemed that alot of key data was not included. Did ISM get everything that was liad out in the original NR wrt the Micon 43-101 as laid out in the original phase one and phase two descriptions.

4) Is Clarus still working with ISM and if so, in what capacity?

11) What is ISM business plan and focus as an explorer going forward in 2010?

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