Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to sucat's message

"Whaler, after reading this board for a long time I figured I would sign up. I got into inspiration about two years ago when my cousin told me he found a great mining opportunity. The stock was above $2, nickel just came in from $25 down to $10, and he said this company was sitting on one of the biggest nickel mines in the world. He told me I needed to invest a small % of my portfolio in case it explodes to $10 or even $15 when it would sell itself to a major mining company. The only thing that the company was waiting on was a report.

So you have been reading the board for a long time, great, becuase my only suggestion would be to start reading anything you can on the company. Do all the DD you can. Look at other Nickel companies, look at the market, look at the future demand for Nickel. Something has to be able to tell that you are in an investment that has a chance on inceasing in value and making you your money back or even a tidy profit. Do you see that happening here? It is my assumption that your initial purchase after your cousin's push was at $2.00? Have you bought more? Have you averaged down on your average cost base? I also assume you are still holding the stock now or did you sell and you are reconsidering buying it back...... bow that we are in the .40's?

Two years later, after the report came out, I see a stock down to $0.40 and I am forced to try to understand what the hell mining is all about. I have read up on other operations in Langmuir township like golden chalice that leads me to believe everyone bought land there hoping to have their own nickel mine. I also have now been seen so many mining operations for silver and other commodities where people talk about hundreds of millions of possible profit and it's going for a fraction of the price.

The markets are funny things. We do not always see what may or may not be fair value put on many stocks that are out there trading today. Share price is ultimately assigned by the public markets and they can result in stock being over or undervalued. There is a saying that the market finds it's own level. Many things came inot play when that Micon report came out. I would thinks it is fair to say it did not meet what the expectations that many long time shareholders may have had or were "led to believe" by reading all the stock boards over these last 2 or 3 years. The result therefore was/is an exodus and a final farewell to ISM by many shareholders who finally had enough especially after nearly a 2 year wait for the 43-101 Micon study. Over 12 million shares have been exchanged since Jan 06/10. The Micon study also came out and said there's more work needing to be done here. Not what the "make a buck quick" crowd had been wanting to see or hear....Again, many threw in the towel and moved on, despite the tonnages that ultimately were now shown and proven as indicated and inferred by Micon.

"Greed and Fear" are the two emotions that run the markets. Informed or unformed buying and selling? Momentum? You name it there are many influences on where a compnay ends up at the end of the day, week, or year. A rising tide floats boats, do all boats deserve to be floating? There are the sweetheart sectors that are played with really no merit or worth assignments other than they are in the "sector that is how this moment" Uranium? Lithium? REE? Gold? Fertilizer" Potash? Oil? blah blah blah.

Ask yourself how hot Nickel has been this last year? Ask yourself how different this is now in 2009 compared to 2007 Ncikel went from a pop to $25/LB to $4/LB. Yikes that turns the base metal speculators in Nickel on their ear. It was like looking at the precious metals after Bre-x. Can you say BEAT UP?

Do you have the personal timelines to wait out or ride out metal pricing cycles? Like real estate the housing prices move up and down and buying and selling points are key to success as investors.

So I ask you whaler since you have been so active and seen to know so much. How much of a long shot are these operations? Obviously not every mining exploration can be sitting on 10x their market cap value or otherwise everyone would dig it out and sell it and be rich. What causes these to be such long shots? Is it trying to sell the company the trouble of making them economically viable?

You are correct, I am active here, I don't think I know all that much but I try to justify my investment in the company, sometimes on a daily basis. In doing so I try to keep other like minded shareholders interested here with the same end result. Trying to determine if this is a good investment or a bad one. Weigh the pros and cons. Determine if this company is moving to where it said it would be? Determine if the company is progressing wrt all things it can control . I look to see if the company is or isn't a "longshot". If it is, to what degree? As all investments have a certain degree of risk, one must really look the copmpany over and determine how much risk there is as risk and reward are the key to determining whether this is right, tolerable or even totally a wrong investment having little or no chance to become successful and in that, a good investment. Speculative risk is a spectrum that can be assigned to any investment in all companies trading on the exchanges. Pink slips to the big blue chips.

Lastly, do you believe in inspiration mining? After two years I have no clue what to believe. My family member who got me in won't even discuss the stock anymore. I read the report and it looks like we could be worth $5 or more. If nickel goes back above $15 maybe we are worth $10+. But who knows if we can't get a seller. For all I know Inspiration will just burn through cash and fold up in a few years.

Those answers are above. We all have to make our own personal investment decisions based on degrees of risk tolearance and the ultimate chances of company success, as discussed above. The cousin who got you into the stock must have done some research and pointed you at ISM based on some justified reason. Is he someone who can still advise you or not?

Thanks for any information you can provide because I want to be involved and invested in a mining operation but I really need to understand this so much more.

Again it sounds like you are invested for over 2 years now at $2.00. You have assess the investment and determine if it is right or wrong for you within your own personal timelines and goals. Hope this helps and hope the board has helped along the way.


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