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Bill C-300
over 14 years ago

Monday, March 8, 2010

PDAC 2010: Miners face more controls

Jim Middlemiss, Financial Post

One need look no further than the Corporate Accountability for the Activities of Mining, Oil or Gas Corporations in Developing Countries act in Canada.

Bill C-300, as it's known, is a private member's bill wending its way through Parliament that would impose restrictions on Canadian companies operating in foreign lands. Normally, private member's bills get scant attention, since few live long enough to see the light of day. However, with a minority government in place, the bill is getting an inordinate amount of attention.

"It would be a real hassle," Richard Lachcik, head of the mining group at Macleod Dixon in Toronto, says of the proposed law, which would require the federal government to issue guidelines that establish corporate-accountability standards on Canadian mining and oil-and-gas companies operating in other countries. Canadians or foreigners could complain about the conduct of Canadian companies engaged in mining and the complaint would be investigated. Companies found to have violated the guidelines would face the loss of financial support provided by government entities such as Export Development Canada, International Trade or the Canada Pension Plan.

Unlike government bills, which die on the order paper when the house recesses and must be reintroduced, Bill C-300, which was introduced by Liberal MP John McKay, continues to survive despite the House having been prorogued. "It's something we've been tracking pretty closely," says Richard King, an energy and environmental lawyer at Ogilvy Renault in Toronto.

He says members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, which is reviewing the legislation, now have the option of retaining the testimony or having additional hearings.

Mr. Lachcik is hoping the bill "will die it's own death. It's like a toll to harass companies." He calls it one more weapon in the "arsenal of people who are anti-mining. The whole bill is flawed."

He said such legislation is unnecessary given the current economic environment. "You can't get a mining project financed without being squeaky clean and meeting all the international standards with respect to environmental regulations. If you don't, international banks won't lend to you."

Mr. Lachcik is hoping that since the Conservatives have a majority in the Senate, even if the bill passes the House "it will eventually die."

Bill C-300 is only one of the many legislative and regulatory hurdles facing the mining industry these days, not only in Canada, but abroad, as miners face more scrutiny.

Take British Columbia, for example. Brian Abraham, co-chair of the mining practice at Fraser Milner Casgrain in Vancouver, points out that the province has a moratorium on mining in Southeast B.C. and on mining uranium. There is also a ban on coal-fired energy, even though 15% of the province's power comes from nearby Alberta, which generates its power from coal. "It's not going to be good for the industry in B.C."

But it's not just moratoriums that hinder miners. So, too, do the multiple review processes under federal and provincial laws. "We really need a single review," Mr. Abraham says, noting that "organizations opposed to projects will use both of these systems to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the proponent."

The problem, he says, is that metal prices are cyclical and "it's hard to raise money. We continue to get stalled 20 years for approvals." By then, it's too late to take advantage of the rising metal price.

"Mining is probably the most regulated industry we have outside perhaps the pharmaceutical products. I can't think of anything that is more heavily regulated," he says.

Expect regulation to become more intense in Canada. Ontario is bringing in a new mining act and Quebec is looking at amendments to its legislation, says John Turner, head of the global mining practice at Fasken Martineau in Toronto.

Jay Kellerman, who leads the global mining group at Stikeman Elliott, adds that securities regulations in Canada are also an issue and need to be reviewed to determine if they are still necessary for companies that publicly trade on international markets. He cites National Instrument 43-101, which deals with standards of disclosure for mineral projects in Canada. It was brought in after the Bre-X gold scandal in the 1990s.

"It's done a great job and I wouldn't say for a second to get rid of it," he says. However, for large, international producing companies, "It almost places too much of a burden on them." Many will have already complied with their local securities regulators in places like London or New York, making the Canadian rules overkill.

Mr. King adds that the Ontario Securities Commission and Securities and Exchange Commission are also developing environmental disclosure guidelines on climate change, which will impact listed companies "Everyone is moving in the same direction," he says.

Internationally, the mining industry is also facing greater government scrutiny and threats of more regulation. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Russia and Brazil are all examining their mining regimes and in some cases royalty rates. Mr. Turner says it's a case of "government wanting a bigger piece of the pie" given the run-up on commodity prices.

Not only that, but government's are getting more active in ownership. "State-owned enterprises are acquiring companies entirely or taking strategic positions," Mr. Turner says, citing Japan and Russia as recent examples. "Governments are moving much more quickly than they traditionally have."

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