Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Maroons your posts are being deleted because they are repetitive and as usual they ask questions that there is no "publically known" answer for. IE your usual story on the "missing millions" aka the "undisclosed loans" etc. is getting very redundant on this board. You also cannot come on and hint at many of the topics you hint at. If there were and are improprieties or non complaince issues, the lawyers would not allow it and you would not see the filings and disclosures being met, as required. The innuendo and your unfounded rumour etc does not fly here either.

I talked to Mark Van der Horst this morning from Gale Capital. We actually touched on a couple of your "questions"

Your assumption that Launchpad received 1,000,000 shares in ISM is totally false. He said they were hired as an outside contractor. They received no shares from ISM as a result of the contractual hiring either.

He also said his email has been down (as I too had been getting bounced e-mails) because they had server issues. He also told me that they have/are working on the known website issues that I had noted.... Bad links and news not being upto date.

He told me they are indeed attending PDAC and are excited about it. He leaves Sat morning. Sunday is their first day.

I asked if he could say whether we were drilling. He told me he knows there is one drillrig in the area. As you all know there is Langmuir, Cleaver and Desrosiers slated for work. He could not say whether it was specifically at Langmuir but he said it was being moved around according to the drill program and in use as we speak. As for drilling season, there are only a couple considerations, whether they have running water to work with and secondly if the ground is too swampy or muddy, they have to hold off as that makes moving the machinery and possibly the rig itself difficult.

Hope this helps.

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