Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Darcel also was looking at the entire Langmuir property as a Langmuir 2-North, Langmuir 1 and South. The info can be found on Page 13 of the PDF file and it is his estimates based on the drilling date he was given

Then you can talk tons and pounds.

Langmuir 2 is estimated to have total contained Ni of 300,484,406 lbs.

Langmuir 1 is estimated to have total contained Ni of 48,920,961 lbs.

Langmuir South (1 hole only) is estimated to have total contained Ni of 2.6 million lbs.

The Langmuir 1 estimate represents results for the East Zoneo nly, as no significant drilling has occurred yet on the Central and West zones.

From 2007


• Approx. $39 million cash

• Contained Ni around 352 million lbs.

• $16.50 is ISM’s estimated value of contained Ni (in-situ Ni @ USD$3/lb)

• Accelerated exploration underway

• Entire Shaw Dome area (including Langmuir) is likely to be increasingly perceived as a possible takeover target

• ISM has exposure to nickel prices and current robust global nickel demand

• ISM is a low-risk Canadian nickel exploration project (property has been attractive project for decades)

• Historic mining and Inspiration’s drill results support open-pit mining concept

• Large data flow over the next 12 months

• Existing infrastructure from nickel mining available nearby and at Langmuir

• The NI 43-101 February, 2007 Jensen report recommended continuing exploration at Langmuir.

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