Hathor Exploration

Hole 116: 2.5 Metres Grading 70.34% U3O8 / #10-200: 22.5 Metres Grading 11.3% U3O8 / #30: 69 metres grading 2.33% U3O8 / #10-188B: 7.5 metres grading 29.98% U3O8 ATHABASCA BASIN: WHERE GRADE IS KING!

UPDATE 1-Hathor says Roughrider could be among lowest cost uranium producers

Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:54am EDT

The junior uranium company is the target of a hostile bid from Canada's top uranium miner Cameco Corp and at stake is the Roughrider deposit, an exploration stage uranium project near Cameco's Rabbit Lake mill in Northern Saskatchewan.

Low daily milling rate of about 200 tonnes per day, high metallurgical recovery and shallow depth will keep production costs low, Hathor said in a statement.

The capital expenditure for the mine and mill at Roughrider, with a pre-tax net present value of about C$1.0 billion, is estimated at C$567 million, Hathor said.

The company added that the PA includes the west and east zones and not the far-east zone.

The undiscounted pre-tax net present value is C$2.0 billion over an estimated 11-year mine life, based on an output of 5 million pounds of uranium oxide concentrate per year, the company said.

In June, Hathor said a formal economic assessment had commenced for the Roughrider deposit. The study, authored by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc, was expected to be completed in about four months.

The Roughrider deposit was discovered in 2008. Power lines near the property make electricity and telecommunications rapid and easy, Hathor said on its website.

Hathor shares, which have gained about 55 percent since the Cameco offer on Aug. 26, closed at C$4.10 on Monday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. (Reporting by Bhaswati Mukhopadhyay in Bangalore; Editing by Roshni Menon)


Sept 13 (Reuters) - Hathor Exploration said a preliminary economic assessment (PA) of its flagship Roughrider uranium deposit showed it would potentially be one of the lowest cost uranium producers in the world.
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