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When Congress resumes on September 9th, there is absolutely no possibility that they will not vote to attack Syria. Israel will bribe billions if necessary to get the votes required. You see they have already spent trillions (Not billions) on this “big picture” plan and are not about to abandon it.

When you examine the facts, you clearly see that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has had nothing to do with Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, weapons of mass destruction, 911 or Osama Bin Laden. These events were all staged red flag distractions. The wars represent the first steps of a much bigger plan. The main objective of both wars has been to build hundreds of airstrips and military installations surrounding their real target. Currently, over 1 trillion dollars is unaccounted for from the Department of Defense and has been used to build bases that include movie theatres, restaurants and entertainment facilities.

All of the military and political action of the last 10 years points directly to their real target -the Invasion and control of Iran. This complete domination of oil in the Middle East supports the petrol backing of our dollar, but more importantly, the preservation of the Jewish State. In addition, the old guard of the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld and George Bush Senior remember fondly the nostalgic days when the Shah of Iran was in their pocket and they controlled of the world’s oil supply. Although they have more power than sense, they desperately yearn for that day back.

First, you need to look at the map to see what I mean…What you will notice is that Iraq borders Iran on the west and Afghanistan borders Iran on the Northwest. With Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in our pocket, and a Carrier fleet in the Red Sea, the envelope is sealed and Iran is surrounded. Syria is key to clearing the airspace between Israel and Iran. Remember, for the last fifteen years hundreds of thousands of Africans in Rwanda and other neighboring countries have been mutilated with machetes and starved by tyrant war lords, but we did not feel it our “duty” to intervene. What is the difference between Rwanda and Syria? - They are not white people and have no oil in the ground.

In fact, over 80 Israeli citizens currently hold positions in our Pentagon that have to do with “appropriations” or how money is spent. They choose what gets funded and what does not. In addition to our military….Israel now controls retail, the banks, lobbyist, our media, who gets elected president / all politicians, as well as, determines all economic and foreign policy decisions of the United States. The tail wags the dog. Although the Jews are about 2 % of the US population, they hold over 40 % of the wealth and if a politician even implies anything negative about Israel or the Jews, his career is over.

When Rahm Emanuel (An Israeli citizen) formed Obama’s miraculously successful campaign in 2008 and then promptly walked Barrack into the White House as White House Chief of Staff you knew who was actually calling the shots. Then when Rahm Emanuel took Chicago for himself as mayor, he was replaced by the head of JPMorgan domestic – Bill Daly (Son of Richard Daly – power broker mayor of Chicago). After a short stint, another Israeli citizen, Jack Lew, kept his eye on our president as White House Chief of Staff and he has since moved on to become Secretary of the Treasury to replace Timothy Geithner.

Obama was perfect…. He was a great communicator and not only was he black, but he had a Muslim middle name. This would throw off all the ignorant Americans as to who he was really working for.

So knowing that over 90% of the Fed governors are Jewish and that the only candidate even considered for the Fed Chairman must be Jewish, it should be no surprise that Obama will be told to appoint Larry Summers. Although Janet Yellen is Jewish, she knows little of the agenda and how to keep the river of money flowing out of Wall Street into the coffers of the power elite.

I am not an anti-Semite. I only hope that one minority group’s agenda does not destroy the world. The bombing of Syria is another step in a devastating plan that will eventually lead to World War III with billions of dead….. and Israel will end up a smoldering ruin. A complete lose/lose situation for all.

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