Golden Minerals Company

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in response to gwr1's message

Thanks GWR1,

Seriously if anyone on this board though you were a pure pumper they should hang their heads in shame after reading what is (once again) an honest and straightforward evaluation.

On the one hand, I will take my own advice and 'suck it up'. I invested in this, I did my DD, I took the risks and to be honest it's mostly been a disaster of epic proportions. I need almost a ten bagger to break even from where we started the day today. However, despite the fact that I too disagree with the approach, the upside is that their conservativeness may be what will give us a little respect in the mining community. Great Panther has a much smaller resource, but they were valued much, much better then we were. In fact they were the darling of the crowd for a while there (after of course I sold my GPR for more ECU... d'oh). This should finally be a true picture of the absolute bottom for this stock as they couldn't have made the announcement any less exciting if they tried. So... from here on out, it's much more likely that this is a true bargain now with really exciting potential.

However, now for a little anger. Sorry GWR1, you always keep it pretty cool, I'm not so good at that when I feel true pain in the 'nether regions'. When we merged, most AUM guys were well up on their initial investments from a few years ago, whereas loyal ECU'ers were likely well down if they bought at the same point. Only through many injections and buys at lower and lower prices did I personally price myself down to a 'reasonable' average buy price of about 1.18 (ECU price). Then I was asked to trade these in at a 20 to 1 discount, but for a much higher base price. Ok... 30% down is 30% down... potential is potential. I'm in.

Or so I thought... if I had known this would be the approach, I would have gotten out at my 30% loss and found another story for sure. To 'start from scratch' is easy for the AUM folk, for us loyal ECU guys, I'm sure we just felt a good, hard swift and brutal kick to the balls. This is a BIG potential property, to sell it as 'a conservatively good find' is just mean. I understand the strategy, but I resent the feeling of having my accumulating losses ignored as I was an 'old ECU' investor.

We've waited and waited, and the approach now is a long one... so wait some more. I'm young and already counted this as lost money, but what about some of our older and loyal investors who backed ECU through thick and thin?

Screw em'... lets go back to basics so new investors will flood in and see a 20 bagger. While we may break even in the medium term. If we're lucky. Sorry, but it sucks.

I won't leave, but I sure as hell ain't happy.

It's probably just today, but this leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. A good learning experience I would say.

Anyhow, on the bright side, if you're just hearing about this company and are thinking of investing... lucky bloody b@stard. :)

Soul with a tinge of bitterness.

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